Well, sort of.
Video: engine fired right up yesterday, but with a host of issues. The actual engine itself seems healthy.
Issue #1 was no 12V. Well, it had 12V at the battery, but the instant I turned the cutoff switch to ON, it popped my 250A Megafuse.
I have a House of Payne mini-starter (awesome unit) and it's indexable. It has 3 positions that the starter/solenoid can be installed relative to the mounting boss.
I originally had it mounted in the middle position because that's the only way physically install it with my old downpipes. When i made my new downpipes, I clocked the starter in the most vertical position, giving me more downpipe clearance. WELL, apparently that pushes the starter 2AWG feed cable into the side of the block. Oops. Reclocked to the middle position and no more shorting and it still clears the downpipe.
Issue #2 was the new SFI flexplate hitting the DCT adapter. The actual flexplate cleared fine, but the stupid welds on the ring gear touched the adapter plate. It sounded AWFUL.
The 8# flex plate vs the 25# flywheel was wild, though. Thing rev'd like a sport bike. I put my old flywheel back on and all is good.
Issue #3 is massive coolant leaks. The VS Racing ball bearing turbos are water cooled and come with 4 plugs pre-installed. To run water cooling, you remove 2 plugs, install your fittings of choice, and all is good. Well, apparently they don't install any thread sealant, o-rings, or crush washers, even though the fittings are torqued down. All 4 of the factory-installed plugs piss coolant once the system is up to pressure. Super annoying. I think the passenger-side plugs I can access with the turbo/manifold installed. The driver-side is stuffed up against the block. I'm definitely going to have to remove that whole manifold, which is a PITA. Oh well. Hopefully I can drive the car by next weekend. There are a few small things to clean up still. I haven't ran wires for the thermocouples, but that's not a priority. The under-dash wiring for the EPAS isn't finished, but close. And I have to re-install the tie-rods and align the car. I'm sure the DCT controller isn't going to be happy with an entirely new engine also, so I'll likely have to redo adaptations and some street tuning.