More slow, but steady progress.
Exhaust is
done, with the exception of the tip. I'm still not sure how I want to trim it and if I weld it now, it'll be difficult to cut later. I'll probably wait to get the car on the ground before trimming and welding.
The rest of the exhaust turned out pretty decent. I'm getting better with TIG, but it's still tough to bridge any kind of gap if the fitup isn't perfect. I made the mid section and rear section first and tried to connect the two. This was tough to get perfect fitup since the alignment needed some 3D pie cuts to get everything perfect. It still looks better than my normal MIG'd exhaust, so I'm fairly pleased with how it turned out. The rear section where it V-band's to the muffler required some weird bends to get ground clearance. I added a second 7" bullet muffler and jogged the exhaust up to make clearance for the v-band clamp. It looks a little strange, but there's decent clearance. Maybe 3" or more.
You can see I strung safety wire under the car where the wheels touch the pavement. That gives a pretty good visual of ground clearance.
I also insulated and wrapped the turbofolds and downpipes. The dimpled stainless was pretty easy to work with and I safety wired everything to keep it from rattling around.
Last big obstacle is charge piping and compressor cover mods. Unfortunately the G30 knockoffs don't have a v-band comp housing like the EFRs, so I can't final install the CHRAs since I'll be taking the comps on and off.
The EPAS also showed up and is installed. Needs wired, but it fits under the dash well and has okay foot clearance.