As to whether it will make a difference, only way to know is to try it. Install a boost / vacuum gauge connected to the crankcase and see what you get. For maximum vacuum, make sure the engine is sealed up everywhere except where you connect the vacuum pump, so no valve cover filters, etc.
If you want to pull a little fresh air to get moisture etc out of the engine case, you could put a small bleed hole (maybe 1/8" to 3/16") on the opposite valve cover from the one you have the vacuum pump connected to. I've done this using a lawn mower fuel filter as the bleed hole, didn't reduce the vacuum level at all on my engine, but did pull moisture out, especially when the engine was cold. Verified this with clear hose to the vacuum pump.
Grannys did talk about using a brushless motor, don't know if he ever did, I keep meaning to play with it, just haven't gotten around to it. I think it's a great idea for long term reliability.