How's the documentation that comes with the new controller and boards? I want to do this but the amount of background research I'd need to do is intimidating. IE... If you know these things and it still took you days of setup, so likely is an amateur to get it done at all? Are the specific forums or user groups that are helpful in troubleshooting?
One more, potentially stupid question: Does setting up a Bridgeport as a CNC affect use of the mill manually at all?
I'm no expert in this field. I know quite a bit about BP's due to owning one for some time and doing lots of research into them, but I haven't ever built my own CNC before this one. The extent of my CNC experience is through my job as a mech. engineer. It took me so long to sort out certain things because I had to go back and fourth with Arturo Duncan at hundreds of times to get this all sorted out, now that guy knows his shit! Long story short, don't shy away from it, doing something like building a swap car is a much larger and more difficult process with lots more research.
With that said, how many guys here are actually interested in a project like this in the future? (chime in here if you are). the reason I ask is because Arturo and I came to the conclusion that it would be nice for someone to do an actual "write up" of the first few hours of running the controller to document all the stupid little things you need to look for. The reason for this is he answers tons of questions about this particular setup (CNC BP) and if he could divert some people to some kind of source like that it would help everyone, and I'm going to do it because without him I couldn't have built this.
So, if you guys want I would be willing to add a long winded write-up to this thread which would make it easy for anybody to duplicate this setup and have it up and running in minimal time. Besides that, like I said before I would be more than willing to help any one of you get on you're way with a project like this, just as you've all helped me with my FD for over 5 years now...Norotors is the best forum I've ever been a part of and I have no problem paying the help forward as much as possible.
EDIT: also, explicit direction could be used to help you build lots of things as Blake pointed out...3d printer, CNC router, CNC lathe, CNC plasma cutter. This control setup COULD do all of that. So let me know if any of those projects interest you and I'll go further into the nitty gritty of making this work.
As for you're last question, it depends on the kit you use. Mine can be run manually. BUT once you realize what you can do with a CNC I doubt you ever will. Just because its CNC controlled doesn't mean you have to write a program...Ex. You just want to face .125 off an aluminum block, use the pendant to set your Z height via jogging mode, set your speed, and jog back and fourth just like you would crank the handles...except without cranking handles!