Well hell,
Found out yesterday they're closing my work location (day job not Ronin). I can relocate from Southern CA to Augusta Georgia with the parent company if I want to, but it's a lot to wrap your head around considering we moved 5 years ago to take this job. Ironically a big piece of that move was the intent of putting down more solid roots. We bought a house in SoCal (massive hurdle to overcome). My kids have now started school. We're really embedded in our neighborhood, active in our church etc... I live pretty much next door to the other principal in Ronin which makes running that a great deal easier and a great deal more fun.
On the flip side, this is probably my best chance to set up a pole barn and a proper shop instead of a mini garage based one. Augusta is great for the outdoors and adventure. It's certainly easier to be a car guy just about anywhere besides CA. Soooo, big decision ahead. I can take a decent severance package if I stay through the proper closure April 7 and then leave for something else. I can keep my salary and move to Augusta (where that salary probably goes a lot further, thereby uprooting my world). I could try to turn Ronin into a full time gig, however that's the riskiest proposal and may not fly with the wife.
Anyone have opinions on Georgia and/or Augusta? Anyone have similar stories to share? What did you decide?