Do you have a good battery?
Are your connections tight and proper?
Is your fuse good? You will need one capable of supplying the starter and vehicle components with current since it is the only power cable.
Where is your ground?
You should have provided a ground (negative) to the block of the engine. The engine, transmission and body should all have their own path to the battery negative terminal or should all be grounded to each other. This eliminates stray currents and false/poor grounds. If everything else checks out, you may not have a proper route to the negative post of the battery.
If you are relying on the engine block to "ground" the engine, remember that there are rubber isolators in the mounts. What is actually "grounding" the system is any metal to metal connection between the engine components and the body. You will need to provide a direct connection to the battery or "bond" the engine, transmission, body and battery together.