Sorry if this sounds dickish, but if you can't be bothered to study wiring diagrams and make some of those decisions for yourself, you're probably not a good candidate for heavily reworking your wiring harness.
I was in the "dickish" situation when I started. I just went slowly and labelled both ends of any wires I removed in case I needed to put any back (I didn't). Wiring diagrams make a lot more sense the more you do it.
Start with the easy stuff like wires that go to sensors that are no longer needed.
The reason why there isn't really any write-ups is because it's a long drawn-out job and who can be arsed to do a writeup when you have to spend so much time doing the work. On top of that, most people have different setups. e.g. mine was RHD for starters, I kept the ABS and Airbag wiring and like I said earlier, I moved the fuse/relay boxes.
There were a few stages I went through and at the end of each stage I plugged the harness back in again and made sure I didn't mess anything up.