I'm the cohort.
I'm happy to respond to all criticism.
I'm fine with you bringing this all into the public eye, as I have nothing to hide.
We at Ronin are not here to screw anyone. I won't ask for defense from the members of the forum that we have served for years.
I may not be a professional, but i do a fair amount of work on vehicles and take pride in the work I do.
Obviously your needs are not met, and you are the customer, and you are not pleased. Then wrap it up, send it back to us. We will do the body work, we will drill a 3/8 inch hole in the end of the wing, and remove the rivet head that shook loose in shipping. Then we will run it.
I know you paid "a lot" for the wing. We priced it high so we would not have to sell it. We had 2 wings left, one for Joel, 1 for Ash. We sold you the wing we were going to use for Joel because we wanted to help out another racer, rather than store it for the future.
The condition of the fiberglass is as we receive it. There are mold lines we leave on it, rather than sanding/filling/spray painting. The gap you feel is unsafe is surrounded by what I can guarantee you is an inch of cabosil bonding the two halves of the wing together. If you feel that the original version of this wing would be superior I am happy to send you the original, but I must warn you it is skinned with 1/4 to 3/8 of bondo all around to have a matching profile, and if I put my thumb into the fiberglass it distorts more than a 1/2 inch. Essentially we made this part because Joel bought an "original Amemiya wing" and it was garbage. We could only justify the costs of making a new one by trying to sell it as a product. Then we sold 2 or 3 and determined there is WAY too much work and no profit on each one we sell, so we have tried not to sell them.
Cut to a customer, a forum member and a friend who likes the work we did. Joel remembers the positives about this project, and from the other side of the world decides we should give it a go.
Since Joel was out of town, so he had me gather pieces from around his garage and assemble this for you, and I assembled it perfectly. Perfectly backwards. What's really amazing is that these T mounts with their compound curves actually match up to the exact landing location perfectly backwards without distorting the skin on the underside of the wing. This was not a phenomenon Joel, Steve or I anticipated. You got the same writeup I did, there is no mention of which way the brackets mount up. All the 3rd gen wings I have worked on have the adjustment point in the rear. This wing adjusts on the front.

I really wish you knew how pissed I was about this. made every effort to install this flawlessly. You can see how easily one could have a drill bit drill through the top skin, or have the alignment off 1/8 inch from left to right, or the adjustment holes could be off, so that the bolts would not smoothly go in at the differing rake angles. NONE of this was an issue, except the F'ing mounts were backward

. After a heated conversation with Joel in China I went for a walk and promptly rolled my ankle in the street a mile from my house.

And the next day I drilled out the heads, and in order to remove those heads I had to whack them towards that delicate top skin. You can see the result. They would not release with any modicum of pressure less than what I used. Then I removed as many as would roll freely, electing not to damage the top skin further.
Would I rather not sell you this thing? Would I rather have 5 evenings back that I spent on this? Would I rather be at dinner with my family, instead of writing this response?
The answer is YES.
We should have told you NO, we don't have these, we don't have spare parts for servicing them, we can't get replacement parts, we lose money on them.
But we did not.
We wanted to help you with your dream, with your Goals, with your project. Because that's what we would want a buddy to do for us, and that is how we treat all you guys. So we did what we could. I sure hope we can learn from this - admit when the requests are too much. Sorry to let you down man. I am sure you will be much happier with another wing. We will remove this product from our website.