Sounds to me like you need to learn to let go, and rat bag a car a bit, maybe get a miata to kick around for a summer. It is your car it is not fine china, even if it was , it is your fine china.
If you want to do what you are describing , you have to commit to yourself that driving is your number 1 priority. . Commit to you being a better driver and and building a car that will help you with that goal, THEN you will have the car you are wanting. Which means strict repair dead lines that you MUST make or you WILL drive with a zap strap repair.
I have one of those LS3, Hoosiers R6's Enkie wheels, BBK, traction control , 99 ABS, coil overs, better seats better wheel, 4 out of 5 point harness, all things to help me be a better driver, on the down side my front bumper paint is cracked and flaking my front fenders are both cracked at the wheel arch, and the paint which what really nice when I bought the car has seen better days, but Thunder Bucket is a Track day phenomenon. Sure I would like it if she was perfect but I much rather she drive as amazing as she does. Unless you are in a GT3 or a much better driver then me I will never see you in my rear mirror