Does anybody here have a Smog legal Rx7 here in California LA?
I just got my bar sticker last week. LS3 e-rod. It wasn't without struggle! I had to go to the ref 4 times before they would sign off and issue a sticker. The sad part is with the erod you're supposed to be able to go any smog shop. I tried 4 in the bay area. Nobody would touch it. I had to really push the referee and an engineer at bar to issue me a bar sticker.
I have no idea how you would get yours to pass. I hear rumors that the ref needs reciepts and vin number from your donor car. Even a rumor that you need the donor car gas tank fitted in the 7 to pass. Plus all the emissions components from the donor. Call your local ref and find out what he needs you to have.
Swapping for an erod would be a lot of work for you, not to mention the $7500. The hardest things being rewiring/getting all the gauges to work and cutting/fitting the 4 cats to the subframe and body and mating them to your exhaust.
Your car looks nice. Best of luck getting your tags!