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Author Topic: Any Gym rats here??  (Read 42925 times)

Offline Supe

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #150 on: April 02, 2016, 05:45:21 PM »
Still no gym rat, but was bordering on diabetes back in December of last year.  Since then joined a gym, and went on a big diet.  Very low carb, what little I do have is whole grains, mostly to keep my stomach working.  High protein, decent amount of fat.  I've been sidelined for these past two weeks with pneumonia, but have been doing light weight lifting 5-6 days a week otherwise.  I have also removed alcohol and any sugary drinks entirely from my diet.  In those 3 1/2 months, I'm down roughly 39 lbs.  Went from 261.8 down to 222.6.  My target weight is around 185, so I won't let up until I get there.  Getting married this November, and determined to be under that 200 lbs mark for the photos.  Biggest perk out of all of this is that my Simpson racing suit fits again  :D

Offline rex388

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #151 on: April 02, 2016, 06:39:55 PM »
The goal is you want to hit 3 on all four. Than if you did, increase weight and see if you can do 3. If you can than next time you do that work out you know you are aiming to do them at the new weight. 5x3 shocks your system. Like for instance I do my dips with 120lbs hanging off a belt and it isn't my triceps are are sore. But my whole body is just worn out.

I use 5x3 for all my main lifts (my 1a and 1b), and 4x8 for the rest.

So torso day right now is incline bench and weighted semi sepainated chin ups are 5x3. Decline bench and lat pull are 4x8.

But never ever ever use either of those for rotator cuff though. (Which by doing those a few times a week increase your bench also)
The only cure for drag racing is poverty

Offline ProjectD

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #152 on: December 29, 2016, 09:28:53 AM »
Time for a thread revival.  It's pretty cool to see how for I've progress since the beginning of this thread. I picked up some weights and a power rack for my garage a few months back and have continued training. Just hit a new milestone yesterday. 182kg back squat and 210 kg deadlift.
Here is a vid of the squat.

Offline fastfalcon94

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #153 on: December 29, 2016, 10:25:30 AM »
Nice! I like Rogue equipment. I just bought a bunch of stuff from them this Black Friday. Unfortunately it's all inside the garage I'm building and there is no heat or lighting yet so i can't really use it.

Offline ProjectD

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #154 on: December 29, 2016, 12:14:24 PM »
Nice setup. I need to get back to work setting up my garage gym.

Offline Supe

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #155 on: December 29, 2016, 12:34:20 PM »
Time for a thread revival.  It's pretty cool to see how for I've progress since the beginning of this thread. I picked up some weights and a power rack for my garage a few months back and have continued training. Just hit a new milestone yesterday. 182kg back squat and 210 kg deadlift.
Here is a vid of the squat.

Nice job.  I'm right there with you, just hit a PR of 465 on the deadlift earlier this week.  Stalled at 450, couldn't get the weight off the floor for weeks.  Took two months off of 1RM lifts to work on legs and back.  Did heavy triples at about 85%, speed pulls, and stiff legged lifts for those two months.  455 went up like butter, 465 went up right after with no hitching. 

Still can't position my hands on the bar for a squat, not enough shoulder mobility to do one, but working on it.

Offline paul_3rdgen

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #156 on: December 29, 2016, 05:16:33 PM »
I took 14 months off training, lost 20lbs of muscle mass.   Everyone asks me what happened, I tell them have kids it's a non stop tread mill.... lol

Starting fresh in the new year, hoping for muscle memory to kick in and changing a few things.  I'm going to be focused on new goals this year and training in my basement instead of at the gym. 

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93 RX7 R1 500rwhp
LS2, H/C combo... ARE drysump
Race Logic traction Control and 4 wheel Stoptech BBK
3.73 gears installed in the stock diff  :o

Offline SH4DY

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #157 on: January 06, 2017, 11:40:46 AM »
That's a pretty kick ass home gym fastfalcon!
My backstory:
I've always been a hard gainer. Well until I turned 25. I looked with SARMS (primarily ostarine - which *I've heard* was interesting and can take a toll on your joints) and just about every other supplement there is.
Now, at 30, I'm starting to get old man strength but my desk job isn't helping my physique. I generally workout by myself so I don't have any solid 1RM numbers but I have been using 115# db's on flat bench for 8x 3 sets. Heavy squats and deadlifts are out after I slipped a disk a couple of years ago (have to go to the chiro every 4 weeks now to get it popped back into place).
With all that said, I'm 5-11" and have been hovering around 195 at 9-10% BF. I'd like to be around 200# at 7% BF. I really like what I call pyramid training where you add weight every set until you cant do 8 with good form then back down to 75% of that weight for the last set. Supplement-wise, my only pre-workout now is Gatorade with some A-AKG and an Aleve and it does the trick. I was stacking agmatine-sulfate for a while but my body got acclimated pretty quickly and it had some weird side effects being a nootropic. I've also recently started working out 2 on 1 off instead of just M/W/F - which helps stay "inflated".

Here's to a new year and gains to be had :bacon:

« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 11:13:44 AM by SH4DY »
'77 Datsun 280Z, twin turbo LS, T56 Magnum-F, Ford 8.8" IRS
'94 RX-7 - up in smoke
'88 RX-7 - version 2.0

Offline gnx7

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #158 on: January 09, 2017, 01:42:19 AM »
What is a good supplement to take to get me lean... I don't care about bulk.  Also must be legal :)  I would prefer to avoid all the caffeine laden fat burners....  but if it's truly down to diet and exercise I'll just do that.

I am 43y/o at 5'7" and 155-160lbs and want to get a 6 pack by summer and just lean up in general with more definition.  I used to have a 6 pack but literally haven't hit the gym in 10+ years.  It's still there... just under a layer of fat!  Optimal weight for me is 145lbs and lean.

Can anyone suggest a good link for meal plans?  I can cook anything; however would like to structure it around a proven plan.  Up until a couple of years ago I relied on being active and good genes to be in decent shape.  I now clearly see I need to put some effort back into it  :punch:
'93 FD: 441ci/AllPro LS7 heads/intake en route, T56 Mag, 8.8" IRS, HolleyHP, DavisTechTC 10.32@137mph cats/full exhaust. 165mph 1/2 mile (old LS7)
'93 FD LS9 turbo, T56 Mag, Samberg 8.8" solid axle, 9.35@163mph 197mph 1/2 mile
`69 Chevelle: alum 5.3, GTS76 turbo, ChiseledPerf A/W, T56 Magnum,Ford 35 spline 9".CTS-V interior
old yellar....440rwhp/FD sold but not forgotten:
I sell new T56 Magnums/McLeod clutch/T56 rebuild kits/Holley EFI/FIC injectors and all BrianTooleyRacing parts.

Offline SH4DY

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #159 on: January 09, 2017, 10:43:59 AM »
"Legal" is funny. Plenty of "grey" market out stuff out there. Also, plenty of things you can buy legally that will royally fuck you up if used incorrectly. Clenbuterol for example...

With that said, it sounds like with your frame you probably just need a cleaner diet and do some cardio. Caffeine is one of the best things out there for weight loss. Skip the energy drinks though and stick to green tea extract. Cinnamon also has some pretty stellar thermogenic properties.
'77 Datsun 280Z, twin turbo LS, T56 Magnum-F, Ford 8.8" IRS
'94 RX-7 - up in smoke
'88 RX-7 - version 2.0

Offline Supe

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #160 on: January 09, 2017, 02:09:46 PM »
Ordered a 12" strongman log from Pitbull last night.  Looking forward to stepping up my overhead press game!

Offline ProjectD

Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #161 on: January 18, 2017, 08:33:45 PM »
Doubles to failure today.

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« Last Edit: January 19, 2017, 08:59:51 AM by ProjectD »

Offline coltboostin

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #162 on: February 16, 2017, 10:14:56 AM »
Gym rat here but out of CT. Also own a supp company.

Let me know if you want anything

I knew I liked you  :)   I'd love to try whatever you have for a Chocolate Protein, PreWorkout and amino complex.

Was a 10 letter man in HighSchool and played baseball in College, never stopped really.

Currently 5-9.  170.  Bench 225x8 (best 225x13 1RM 325) Squat 315x6  Dead 445 off the ground.   I have never "geared" up in my life.

I still play B ball twice a week, an with work/kids I only get to lift 3 times a week so I have been switching things around to at minimum maintain with all this down time.
93 THE COLT 708whp 10.5@150mph Wreked@195
94 Colt "v2" 10.8@140-Sold
87 RX7, first ever 4G63's RX-7 11.5@125mph-Sold
06 Busa-9.6@151-Sold
05 CTS-V "Beater V"
90 RX7 first ever TT LSx FC.  Dyno Queen