That's a pretty kick ass home gym fastfalcon!
My backstory:
I've always been a hard gainer. Well until I turned 25. I looked with SARMS (primarily ostarine - which *I've heard* was interesting and can take a toll on your joints) and just about every other supplement there is.
Now, at 30, I'm starting to get old man strength but my desk job isn't helping my physique. I generally workout by myself so I don't have any solid 1RM numbers but I have been using 115# db's on flat bench for 8x 3 sets. Heavy squats and deadlifts are out after I slipped a disk a couple of years ago (have to go to the chiro every 4 weeks now to get it popped back into place).
With all that said, I'm 5-11" and have been hovering around 195 at 9-10% BF. I'd like to be around 200# at 7% BF. I really like what I call pyramid training where you add weight every set until you cant do 8 with good form then back down to 75% of that weight for the last set. Supplement-wise, my only pre-workout now is Gatorade with some A-AKG and an Aleve and it does the trick. I was stacking agmatine-sulfate for a while but my body got acclimated pretty quickly and it had some weird side effects being a nootropic. I've also recently started working out 2 on 1 off instead of just M/W/F - which helps stay "inflated".
Here's to a new year and gains to be had