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Author Topic: Any Gym rats here??  (Read 42920 times)

Offline ProjectD

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #120 on: June 26, 2015, 02:01:31 PM »
Nice progress in here. Glad to see you ladies are keeping up with the grind. Spec C I am sooo jelly of your 2x be bench. I would love to get to that level some day.

I'm still plugging  through sl 5x5. Currently up to 265lb / 120kg front squat. I can't wait to attempt a 1rm. I really think I am closing in on my old 1rm back squat (335lbs / 152kg) of course by then I will need to attempt another back squat pr. Can't wait!

Offline coltboostin

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #121 on: June 27, 2015, 01:07:50 AM »
Gym rat here but out of CT. Also own a supp company.

Let me know if you want anything

Thats awesome.  I want everything!! LOL

Used to be a bit of a rat-but 2 kids, a torn rotator, and a demanding career have leveled me to being happy just maintaining.  Before the tear, I was 175- bench 315x2  Dead 405x8 and squat 315x6 (parallel).   Now, I have not flat benched in over a year and a half which is super depressing.  I look "good" but I am a shell of my former strength wise.
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Offline MPbdy

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #122 on: June 27, 2015, 01:54:05 AM »
Joined a rock climbing gym tonight.  First month is basically the same as a day's access so I've got a month to keep going back.  Super fun.  Boulder all the things.

Also, chicks that rock climb.  Damn.

Offline ProjectD

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #123 on: July 01, 2015, 04:32:04 PM »
Today I hit something of a milestone with front squats.  I matched my previous 5 rep back squat max of 275 lbs.  But I'm more stoked at being able to complete 5 sets.   I love this shit.

Offline mobythevan

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #124 on: July 06, 2015, 03:22:47 PM »
3 weeks ago I set a new PR on deadlift, weight belt and mixed grip 425.  I weigh in about 175 so I am pretty happy with that.  Onwards and Upwards...
==86 FC Ronin Tri-Point Widebody 5.3, Powerglide, 8.8 TASA, MegaSquirt 3, S475, 16psi, E85==
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Offline paul_3rdgen

Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #125 on: July 06, 2015, 07:55:39 PM »
^That's heavy for your weight.  Nice!

I just got back for the gym, did 3 sets of 10 flat bench with 90lbs dumb bells.  I'm pretty happy, being able to work with 90's is pretty good.  I'm trying to get my max bench to 275 straight bar, I haven't tried yet but I don't think I'm too far off. 
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Offline MPbdy

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #126 on: July 06, 2015, 08:09:39 PM »
I have plateud big time and am actually sitting about a pound and a half up after 2 weeks.  I've been even stricter than usual the past week too.  Annoying  >:(

It coincided exactly with when I joined the rock climbing gym.  I doubt I'm putting on muscle...frankly not eating enough to build mass, but maybe retaining water due to muscle inflammation?  Happened when I started insanity...gained 4 pounds out the gate and it took weeks to go away.

Body fat % hasn't changed or is maybe slightly down from last time I checked so I'm still going in the right direction.  Just frustrating.  SO close to my goal.  Based on my measurements I need to be 145 to hit my 10% goal and I've been at a low of 149.  I'm at about 13.4% average from a few different measurements.

I want to hit my body fat goal and then start eating a normal amount of calories (can't wait...) and maybe start lifting a bit to tone up what I have.  My arms, chest, and legs are all pretty lean.  My core is still just flab  :(

Offline Nfinitecc

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Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #127 on: July 06, 2015, 08:28:25 PM »
Everyone is different, I know when I cut calories and eat clean I just disappear,  when I eat 5k plus calories a day I fill out, then I just add high intensity cardio like sprints and keep the calories as is, and I harden up in the abs too. I feel like I have increased hormones with high calories which helps everything, trying to lean out just makes me soft, lathargic, and moody.

Offline MPbdy

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #128 on: July 06, 2015, 08:59:46 PM »
Yeah I mean I've lost a lot pretty quick and very consistently. I'm just whining haha.

I definitely felt so much better when I was eating more. Surprise... Food = energy lol. My brain shuts down without food. I'm like a walking snickers commercial lol.

I think the reality is I'm just reaching the point where I need to change my approach. I hate mixing calorie deficits with working out. For me results are bad, I feel like shit, and I lose motivation fast.

I'm assuming it's best to cut to my desired body fat and then start working out, but if I'm plateuing maybe I should change it up?

« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 09:08:27 PM by Daniel »

Offline Nfinitecc

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Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #129 on: July 06, 2015, 09:19:54 PM »
What kind of workouts do you do?

Offline MPbdy

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #130 on: July 06, 2015, 09:34:01 PM »
For the past 2 months I've just been on a strict 500ish calorie deficit. I just recently added the climbing gym. I spend about an hour there with a quick warmup and then climb until I'm exhausted 2-3 times a week.

I did 6 weeks of insanity before that.

Thinking it might be time for a gym membership.

Only thing that's a bummer is I can't run or jog for extended periods.

Offline Nfinitecc

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Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #131 on: July 06, 2015, 09:36:56 PM »
Yea if it was me I'd stop eating a deficit and add weights. After a few months throw in some powerlifting workouts. You get a good hormonal response from the big three lifts, for me that breaks me out of ruts. But you gotta fuel those kinds of workouts with food.

Offline ProjectD

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #132 on: July 06, 2015, 09:45:27 PM »
Well I've reached a point in my training that requires me to be well rested both physically and mentally. For example on Mondays I go to the gym after being on my feet all day at work and up until now I've been able to power through my sets regardless of how drained I am from work. However as the week goes on and the weight increases I'm able to complete my workouts easier and easier since I'm able to get more and more rest. (Fridays are the easiest days to complete my lifts even though they are the heaviest.  With that being said I went in after work today and failed my 5x5 routine terribly.  I squatted 280lbs 3 times before I realized I wasn't going to come close to completing 5x5 so I racked to weight and decided to max out. I worked up to a 310lb front squat before continuing to add weight and working up to a 355lb back squat.  Overall it was a disappointing day considering I felt like crap and I know I have more in the tank for a good day. But I am happy to set some new PRs. Can't wait to try again once im well rested and mentally prepared to lift heavy.

Offline MPbdy

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #133 on: July 06, 2015, 09:52:09 PM »
So I'm down with ending the calorie defecit, especially if I stay flatlined this week.

My BMR is right about 1650.  Sedentary calorie intake (which is what I've been calculating off of) is 1950.

Since i still have some fat I want to lose what should my approach be?  Deficit on off days and add maybe 250 calories on lifting days to offset the a shake and a banana or something?

Offline mobythevan

Re: Any Gym rats here??
« Reply #134 on: July 07, 2015, 11:36:30 AM »
Well, I'm 40 now and my focus is on functional strength.  I do ferrier work on draft horses on the side so that helps keep it real.  I mostly follow the Wendler 5-3-1 program.  I eat more on the days that I am lifting and less on the recovery days.  With my body type I don't have a problem staying in the healthy BF range.  Any day that I feel good I lift heavy regardless of what my program calls for.  It is working well for me. 
==86 FC Ronin Tri-Point Widebody 5.3, Powerglide, 8.8 TASA, MegaSquirt 3, S475, 16psi, E85==
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