I will throw my vote behind the Boxster S. The car is a blast to drive. The S has adequate power for most. The open air car is nice and it's a classic design that she will enjoy driving and feel special like she is wearing a new designer pair of Clogs or whatever they wear these days...
IMS failures are few but if it worries you pick up a certified car with warranty.
Also check out the BMW leases. BMW heavily subsidizes their leases and all new cars come with free maintinence (everything but tires) and you can get her a Z4 or M235 etc for a similar payment as buying what you are looking at. Also no surprises with a warranty and free maint.
Yeah i'm leaning towards the Porsche Cayman base, although I would prefer the "S" model. My wife wont really notice the difference. I test drove one today. It was a fun car to drive. I have never driven a Porsche, now I can see why they get such reviews.
I'm trying to stay away from leasing. $3,500 due at signing and 330 buck a months for 39 months= over $16K. Just does not seem worth it.
If you turn over a car in the same amount of time then leasing makes all the sense in the world.
The payment is lower, it's always under warranty and if it's hit and repaired during your ownership you don't take the loss in residual value as an owner would take trying to trade in the car.
There is much more risk in owning a car then leasing one.
We are conditioned to believe that owning is better but the numbers do not support that.