Okay, front suspension is mostly sorted out, just need to put a ball joint boot on one that's missing (? WTF Blake from 2 years ago).
Turbos are back in and the new drains are done, minus the AN fittings I need to weld on, if USPS chooses to deliver them someday.
In the interim, I'm working on the forged carbon center console lid. I welded plates in where the old holes were then cut new holes for everything. Redid the power window setup with a 3d printed bracket to hold 4 switches instead of 5 as I'm not going to get the "all 4" working any time soon so this way is fine. I put the first layer of epoxy down, and then the carbon and epoxied over that. Once it FULLY sets I'll sand it flat and see how it looks. Plan is to probably do one more coat of epoxy, sand that, then do a 2K flat clear. BTW, I've said this before, but this is NOT real forged carbon, insomuch as it's just for looks. It -is- real carbon fiber shred, but that's it.
I also ordered some electrical connectors for the Tesla brakes; the units I bought were cheap as the connectors were broken, but that's fine, I'll just pot them in epoxy and use Deutsch connectors anyway. I also ordered a 4 pin pass through to pass connection out of the trunk in an OEM manner.