Been hammering on the car today, here's progress:
Hot side of the charge pipes, feeds from the turbos. These "T" together and then come up over the crossmember:

Here you can see the "T" and where it comes over the crossmember. It won't rub once it's all tightened up:

Over the crossmember, this is a coupling joint where it comes up and will allow a bit of flex:

Heading up alongside the radiator toward the intercooler:

There are 90* 5 ply silicone couplers that go through the core support to tie the charge pipes to the intercooler:

So, I mentioned before that I murdered the two 90* bends I had purchased when I was learning to TIG (well, I'm still learning). I was going to buy more, but I thought, hey, I'm an idiot, maybe I should build some pie cuts. So... here we go... To make the "slices" I put a marker line down each side of the tubing, 180* apart. I then put a pair of marks on my band saw mounting clamp that lined up with the two marks on the tubing and set my angle to ~17* or so. I cut one side, moved the tubing out about 4" and rolled it 180* to the new marks and cut again. Repeat a... bunch. Voila, identical slices for the pie cuts.
I'm finally starting to get better at tacking the pipes, I probably got 90% of these tacked up on the first try, so that's good progress.

Also in these pictures is my wigger clamp (eBay Wiggins clamp) on the throttle body. Welding nasty cast throttle body was not a ton of fun but it came out alright. The transition piece was some kind of nasty aluminum and just welded ugly, so I did two layers and ground it back smooth, this is all getting wrinkle finish black anyway, so it should look alright when it's done.
Pie cuts!

I'll finish these up tomorrow, I already have the segments between those pie cuts fabricated, just need to clean them up and tack them in, then finish weld all of it. After that is exhaust system, then back to bumpers and finishing up the front valance tweaks. I'm getting dangerously close to paint prep time.