Speaking of allocating 1 hour to a project...
My MGW came in today; I had the car prepped to put it in, and it had one before, so it seemed easy enough...
Well, first off my transmission had a broken tab for the shifter on one side when I got it, forever ago. I had welded it back on, but being cast it was always weak and ended up broken off when I did the sequential. It doesn't really matter, because it's still plenty stable with the other side + one tab on this side. So I modified the pin/clip assembly to bolt to the shifter arm instead of "clipping" to the transmission tab. No biggie, but an extra effort. Done.
Then the shifter. Well the rear mount on the shifter is too wide, I knew that already, because the I had an MGW in it before. So I threw it in the CNC and trimmed it for clearance, and drilled/tapped a spot to mount it to the tunnel "plate" that I made. Done.
Next up, the reverse lockout. I modified it to fit previously, but still needed to wire it to the ECU. So I re-pinned the connector for the gear position sensor on the S1 to work for the lockout and set it up in the Haltech. Done.
Tested the shifter and it wouldn't center. Why won't it center? Oh, yeah, you pull out the little spring that centers the shifter when you do the sequential. Wonder where that spring assembly is? Found it, then had to remove the little plate that came with the sequential to block it off (hey, I think that was part of my still leaking issue...), installed the spring assembly and now it actually centers properly. Done.
Now, the MGW has a really nice plate/seal that goes over the shifter and seals the tunnel. And my plate was already setup for it. Well, it was when the engine was 3/4" further back before I redid everything last year, and now with it in place I can't shift into 1st/3rd/5th/reverse. Crap. Worked the mounting holes on the MGW plate with a drill and carbide burr and made clearance. Annoying, but done.
Then reassembled the entire interior and tested functionality.
So, about that hour. Well, maybe 2.5 hours.
Also it started raining. Oh well. Should be nice tomorrow, so I'll do a fluid change (it's probably low after all the leaking, and I'm switching to Royal Purple Synchromax) and hopefully take it for a drive to see how it feels. The nice thing is the MGW in the Mustang and the Tick in the Aston feel pretty similar, have the same pattern, and I have identical stainless weighted shift balls on each of them, so it should make swapping between cars pretty painless. Now to reprogram my brain to use this as an H pattern and now sequential...