So, on my ever growing list of "tweaks"...
I was pulling my sequential shifter assembly out and, well that job SUCKS. See, the setup I have is for a GT500 (because my trans is from a GT500), and mounts differently in that chassis than mine. What this means is that I have to pull the shifter off the tunnel plate I built, then pull the tunnel plate, then I have to take the shifter apart, which requires lifting it as far off the plate as it can move (about 1") then BARELY fit an allen key under it, blind, to take out some countersunk bolts, so that I can take the gasket/seal off, then take the shift rods out, THEN it can come out. It SUCKS to do.
Soooo, I'm going to get rid of the intermediary plate that would bolt to the tunnel in a GT500, but gets in the way on my car, and "flip" the threading, so that instead of bolting in from underneath, it will bolt down from the top, which sucks less. I'll 3D print a little spacer to make up the gap that the old plate filled up so that everything stays in place. Anyway, little things to annoy me less later!
Progress wise, I have everything stripped, ready to pull the engine. I'll get that this week I hope. Then to start burning through cutoff wheels.