Man, been slacking on updates here. So, here's where we're at...
Passenger side is DONE, minus the rear quarter extension which had thin clear and needed resprayed:

Driver's side is done minus the front fender, which WAS sanded and being polished, until I found some thin clear. Damn:

Hood was being used as a table...

And rear decklid was sanded:

That's all the pics for now. I need to update as the hood, rear decklid, driver fender, driver front quater extension and passenger rear quarter extensions have all been repainted and cleared. I reshot the entire decklid after hitting it with longboards and 320 grit to level some waves (it's still not perfect, but it was REALLY bad when I started the bodywork on the car, so I guess it is what it is). The hood, fender and quarter extensions I scuffed with 800 grit, reshot color where I had burn through, then put on 3-4 heavy coats of clear, so most of those panels have 5-6 coats of clear on 90% of the panels, should be plenty to let me cut/buff them again.
Since I'm waiting for the clear to cure/shrink fully before I cut/buff the newly shot panels, I've been working on other things. Nick (
@BeasTT) came over and helped me put in the rear window:

And I worked up front on electronics. I had to move the horns over as they were hitting the bumper brackets and moved enough the wires didn't fit. They're now mounted solidly and hooked up properly. I also got the front turn signal/parking lights installed (though I'll be using them as signals only) and tested. Finally I wired up the headlights and tested headlights/brights/DRLs. All working properly. That's all of the front end electronics in place and functional.
I also painted and installed the door handles and finally figured out how the control rods work so that the buttons actually open the doors. I painted the rear window trim and then spent like 4 hours dicking around with the crappy used lower trim before I wadded it up and threw it away. Phooey. The upper pieces all work fine and are installed. I ordered a new kit for the window to get a good lower trim and once that goes in I'll sell off the other pieces to hopefully recoup some money.
Beyond that I'm going to work on wiring up the HVAC, building hoses/brackets/etc for all of that, the center console, more interior wiring, etc., as well as color sanding the fender/hood/trunk/fender extensions and getting that all finalized, then a last polish and I'll put a couple coats of wax on the car to seal/protect everything for now. I have the trunk gaskets/lock/latches also, so once the decklid is color sanded I can install it properly, which along with the window trim will finish everything in the back of the car.

I figure that's at least 3-4 weeks of work, which is good because I've spent all of my toy money for at least a few weeks.