I'm hoping to finish the rest of the panels that are "done" on the car this week/weekend, then I'll bag the car, block the hood/decklid and respray them next week, and then hopefully order up the parts I need (seals/latch/key/struts/etc) to get the decklid installed and maybe get the hood on as well (once they're cured/cut/buffed of course). Then I need to get some money together for a windshield/gaskets/trim and put it in. Good news is the front valance/rock guard/headlight buckets are good enough that they will just need some spot work, not a full sand/cut/buff. Those look like they'd be not fun at all to buff. LOL
I'm super, super, super excited to get glass in the car. Honestly getting the windshield/back glass/trim and all the panels on the car will be the first time I've ever seen what it will look like "done". Goal is to be in that state before December 31st, which is very attainable.
I want to have the big interior stuff done and all of the chassis electrical/power windows/etc. by May. Upholstery will probably have to wait for tax money.

My favorite picture of the car in paint so far: