Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words! I'm extremely happy with how it came out, honestly.
I'm going to start color sanding/buffing shortly, hopefully I don't screw that up.

I'm pretty okay with a buffer though, and the really hard spots to polish came out well in the clear already, so I'm hopeful. The hood is the real question mark, but I'm already resigned that if I have to reclear it, it's not a huge tragedy or anything, I can put a nice flow coat on it. It is much straighter than I expected (the hood). It had a nasty bow in one area that I worked out and I figured the body lines and stuff would be really bad, but it's honestly pretty good. That said, I could just put a carbon hood on it...

And Mark, I hear you on the legalities. I don't live in the city limits here, but I do live in a fairly high end subdivision and I was honestly waiting for a sheriff to show up and knock on my door for painting in my shop, but apparently I kept it quiet enough and contained enough that no one noticed, or at least no one complained. I'm fairly confident my neighbors think I'm some dumb redneck, however.