Our gun laws need a serious revamp in Canada. In order to buy firearms and ammunition you need a possession and acquisition license. This involves a firearm safety course, fill out a big form, and a background check by the rcmp. It takes muiltiple months to even get. Then there's three classes of license non restricted, restricted, and prohibited. Non restricted your pretty much looking at bolt action hunting rifles, limited selection of semi autos. Restricted you get handguns, ar-15, ak47s. Prohibited you get the full auto stuff and is practically an impossible license to get. Anything that's restricted you need to keep trigger locked inside of a locked safe with the ammunition locked up separately. Then you need an "authorization to transport" from the rcmp. Then you can load your unloaded, trigger locked inside of a locked case handgun or ar15/ak47/etc directly to the range. Do some shooting and then put it back in your gun safe.
Clips are restricted to 5 rounds for rifles and 10 for handguns. Yet if you can use a handgun clip in your rifle you can legally use that 10 round "pistol" clip in it. Makes absolutely no sense.
At least we finally got rid of the stupid registry. What a waste of time and money that was.