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Author Topic: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8  (Read 45341 times)

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #120 on: April 14, 2016, 09:26:10 AM »
Some more progress.
Sheldon pulled 24 hours between work and my car 2 days ago.. went to work at 6, came home, worked on my car til 6, then back to work. Pretty sure he took last night off to rest. He'll be back at it tonight.

Pretty fuckin' crazy dedication right there.

Ran into some issues; vette alternator is in place of where the fusebox would be going. Balancer doesn't line up with the vette alternator either, about .5" too close to the motor. So chances are the seller sold me the wrong balancer (LS7 maybe?)

Sheldon made a bracket for the F-body to fit in place with the Vette accessory drive.

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #121 on: April 17, 2016, 07:15:50 AM »
Shes getting there!!

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #122 on: April 17, 2016, 07:47:06 PM »

So the fuse box has to go on the passanger side where the vette alternator placement is.
Bracket was shaved for a clean look since sheldon fabbed a vette spaced low mount alt bracket similar to an F-body bracket.

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #123 on: April 21, 2016, 10:56:42 AM »
Wiring is pretty much done.
Sheldon had to wait for the new balancer to ship to him which should land today.

Excited to get this thing home. Really wish it was nicer this week.

I'm seeking a start of a new career and have hopes to get my foot in the door with GM or Ford.
Girl's 21st is coming up on the 28th & we'll be moving late next month.

A lot going on to say the least.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 11:03:13 AM by Coda734 »

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #124 on: April 22, 2016, 06:17:29 PM »
Ronin's 8.8 kit came in today!
Amazing quality

Offline frijolee

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #125 on: April 22, 2016, 10:48:14 PM »
Glad you like it.  FWIW since the axles are different lengths (by necessity) we actually made one slightly larger diameter than the other so they'll have the same effective spring rate and wind up identically at launch.  It's subtle, but that kind of detail makes me happy in designing this stuff.

Can't wait for your formal feedback.  If you do run into any issues, please give us a chance to address before posting.  Since we had one round of prototyping ahead of this I'm pretty optimistic it should go smoothly for you.

If anyone else would like in on this round of prototype testing, shoot a line to  We did make a few extra kits so we can get one out without delay.

LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #126 on: April 25, 2016, 10:47:38 PM »
Glad you like it.  FWIW since the axles are different lengths (by necessity) we actually made one slightly larger diameter than the other so they'll have the same effective spring rate and wind up identically at launch.  It's subtle, but that kind of detail makes me happy in designing this stuff.

Can't wait for your formal feedback.  If you do run into any issues, please give us a chance to address before posting.  Since we had one round of prototyping ahead of this I'm pretty optimistic it should go smoothly for you.

If anyone else would like in on this round of prototype testing, shoot a line to  We did make a few extra kits so we can get one out without delay.


I'm very impressed and glad I went with you guys. Nothing against V8R but I'm much more comfortable running higher numbers under the Explorer style 8.8 along with the Ronin mounting kit. I'd imagine the pumpkin would explode before the mount or axles would give out. But, you guys are the ones who engineer the shit, not me. I just pay you and enjoy the ride when its done  :yay:

Lol, I will keep you guys updated on the whole process. I need to get my foot in a new career before I invest in having this thing under construction again. This will allow me to review the difference between the 3.9s swapped in the RX8 diff and driving it with your kit though. Slightly hesitant to really get on it the way it sits now though. We'll ease into it.

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #127 on: April 25, 2016, 10:49:30 PM »

Best feeling in the world seeing this project so complete. Sheldon is a beast putting in an insane amount of 450+ hours of labor in less then 2 months! Very excited to have this home and crack a beer open with the mastermind. The water pump gasket needs to be replaced and brakes need to be bled but I should get a feel of taming the beast this week!

There is a start up video but audio is distorted and it was shut off fairly quick due to the waterpump pissing (previous builder who stole parts must had tried to fuck with the motor also)

Simple fix, just a PITA to disassemble it all for something so simple, and reassemble it again.

Will post a video of it running soon! And I have a nice HD 4K camera to record it when its home for everyone![attachimg=1]

Offline Jordan Innovations

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Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #128 on: April 25, 2016, 11:32:42 PM »
Checking in on this thread once in a while, super pumped to see you so happy with the progress.  In for sweet 4k vids!

Glad you like it.  FWIW since the axles are different lengths (by necessity) we actually made one slightly larger diameter than the other so they'll have the same effective spring rate and wind up identically at launch.  It's subtle, but that kind of detail makes me happy in designing this stuff.

That's trick stuff Joel, nice.  Puttin' that PE to use haha  :cheers:

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #129 on: April 27, 2016, 02:28:47 PM »
Checking in on this thread once in a while, super pumped to see you so happy with the progress.  In for sweet 4k vids!

Thanks brother! Very eager to get behind the wheel and see what type of power she puts down.
Not to toot my own horn but think its safe to say I'll have one of the gnarliest RX8 builds there are to date thanks to the mastermind behind all the fab work.

We're gonna work with Arun out of CPP also for a Jam Cam kit down the road.
Maybe have the beast himself tune it and get her on the dyno after the 8.8 install.

Has anyone looked into Jim Riskovsky Jr's LS2 GTO build? When he had the stock LS2 block he ran a D1SC with very impressive numbers. I'll quote them below.

Quote from: Jim Riskovsky Jr
results last year in this forum.

730 SAE RWHP Dyno Runs

This thread is constantly being updated so please check back from time to time. or check

 The BIG NEWS here is that this STOCK LS2 project has blasted a number of myths out there as to what is necessary/mandatory to make 779(to date) RWHP. Its my daily driver and its been dead reliable full throttle blast after blast!


stock fuel rails
 stock fuel lines
 42 lb injectors
 10.9 to 1 compression
 93 octane pump gas
 stock LS2 cam
 stock LS2 engine
 two core intercooler
 12.5 psi boost
 D1SC supercharger
 unported LS2 heads
 stock rod bolts
 ethanol injection not water/methanol
 stock pistons

 Follow along below for all the details:

(541.5 SAE) July 28, 2006 Dyno Session recorded 557 RWHP equipped with 7 psi D1SC, 60 lb injectors, stainless works exhaust, Spec 3+ clutch and aluminum flywheel, one ethanol nozzle, and a "very conservative tune."

(576.2 SAE) Aug 18, 2006 Dyno Session recorded 598 RWHP and 513 RWTQ with 42 lb injectors and "more aggressive tune."

(604.8 SAE) Oct 6, 2006 Dyno Session yeilded 622.3 RWHP @ 6400 rpm's and 543 RWTQ @ 5200 rpms With the following modificatons: 1.85 Ratio Comp Cams Pro Magnum Rocker arms, 160 degree thermostat, 8 oz Pro Blend Oil additive, 0-30W Castrol Syntec Synthetic motor oil, Nitto 245 40 17 DR's with ambient temps near 70 degrees. The waviness of the previous dyno runs is gone as well, we believe due to the DR's. Rather than opting to simply change the blower pulley, we felt that optimizing the existing combination first would prove far more reliable. A/F appeared that more fuel was needed.

(622.9 SAE) Oct 31, 2006 Dyno Session made 641 RWHP @ 6800 rpm 552 RWTQ @ 5200 still at 7 psi boost by adding more fuel and alky(second progressive controller with #15 nozzle) and still no knock on 93 octane pump gas was detected.

(664.9 SAE) Nov 17, 2006 Dyno Session made 682.8 RWHP 598.5 RWTQ With 10 psi boost and a third # 15 alky nozzle![/B] A/F appeared more fuel from 6400 rpms up is needed.

(707 SAE) Dec 7, 2006 Dyno Session made a whopping 766 RWHP 662 RWTQ Actual, 733 RWHP @ 6200rpm 633.6 RWTQ STD (707 RWHP SAE) Only modification was modified air inlet elbow and huge air filter. The air filter and elbow modification increased boost by a solid 2.5 psi. At 5000 rpms we measured 10 psi, 12.5 psi at 6200, 14.5 psi at 6800 rpm's. More fuel is DEFINITELY needed from 6000 to 6800 rpms. I believe 780 RWHP+ (Actual) is possible once we have done so.

(729.9 SAE) Dec 27, 2006 Dyno Session made 757 RWHP 640 RWTQ (Actual @ 55 degrees), 751.2 RWHP@ 6800rpm 14.5 psi /635.7 RWTQ, 751.2 RWHP/635.7 RWTQ (STD), 729.9 RWHP/609.7 RWTQ (SAE) With 4th alcohol nozzle.
 Mid range picked up over 20 lbs torque at 4500 rpms.

(730.9 SAE) Jan 8, 2007 Dyno Session made 757.9 RWHP/650.5RWTQ (Actual @ 49 degrees), 751.2 RWHP@ 6800rpm 14.5 psi /635.7 RWTQ, 751.2 RWHP/642.9 RWTQ (STD), 730.9 RWHP/624.2 RWTQ (SAE) With minor alcohol adjustment.

(731 SAE) Jan 16, 2007 Dyno Session made 778.9 RWHP 669.4 RWTQ /ACTUAL UNCORRECTED(47 degrees) (SAE unchanged)

(731 SAE) April 5, 2007 Changed to 3.375 Blower pulley picked up 10 ft lbs torque now at 635 RWTQ SAE, RWHP unchanged. Tried fuel additive from Pro Blend No Change in HP or Torque Observed. I have a special inlet adapter purchased from Reichart racing to increase air flow into supercharger but its going to require some modification to make it work. they have reported gains of 30 to 50 HP with an F1 supercharger. I also have the GZ Motorsports vacuum pump but have to reposition the MAF and boost tube for clearance.

 May 11, 2007 Eagle Torquemaster plugs showed no power gain on this application. Air Filter Mod Dyno Sheet

GZ Motorsports vacuum pump installation Pics (Chassis Dyno results coming soon!):

 [Here's a complete list of modifications performed to date, latest mods listed in bold:

 Stock 2005 LS2 engine.
 ATI D1SC Procharger 3.375 inch blower pulley
 2 Core Sheet metal Intercooler
 93 Octane fuel
Twin SMC Alcohol Injection Progressive Systems running 4 #15 nozzles and two controllers on straight 113 Octane Ethanol Bottles in trunk Dash mounted controllers Nozzle placement
Stainless Works complete exhaust system* Stainless Works Exhaust
 BMR Drive Shaft*
BMR Drag Bags*
Spec 3+ Clutch with aluminum Flywheel
 160 degree SLP thermostat*
 1.85 Comp Cams Pro Magnum Rocker arms
 Valve cover spacers
 Comp CAMS 918 Beehive springs with Titanium Retainers
 Denso Iridium Plugs
 MSD 8.5 Plug wires
 Nitto 245 45 17 Drag Radials
 45 lb injectors (upgrading to 63's shortly)
Flow Charger Fuel Pump Voltage Booster connected to SMC Alcohol kits With alcohol lubricant
255 LPH LPE fuel Pump Upgrade
 Kenne Bell BAP connected to 255 LPH pump
 GMM Ripper Shifter purchased from Speed Inc*
 Diff Techniques spool and axles*
Koni Adjustable Struts and shocks
Mickey Thompson E/T street Slicks
Mickey Thompson 17 inch Front runners on modified spare wheels
Hotchkis Adjustable front and rear sway bars from LMPerformance*
Tuned By MCG using HP Tuners*

* Designates products purchased from LS1GTO forum sponsors.

I have been installing turbos and superchargers on engines for two decades and I have NEVER seen an engine respond to boost as favorably as the LS2! A mere 7 psi boost made 641 RWHP with alky, exhaust, and 1.85 rockers added 321 RWHP and climbing! What an amazing engine!! On our third pull/fifth dyno session at 10 psi boost the LS2 made 682.8 RWHP...additional tuning alone should improve those numbers.

Modifications that are being considered are listed below. We will continue to update the thread as those results unfold.

 65 Lb Injectors
Fuel System Upgrades(larger fuel rails reg etc)
 E85 Fuel
 1.95 Ratio Jesel Shaft rockers
 Nitrous Outlet NX Express Nitrous N-tercooler System
Meziere Electric water pump
 Evans NPG plus coolant
 Relocate IAT
 Remove MAF screen
Change to 2 bar MAP and go SD
Twin Disk Clutch

557 RWHP D1SC @ 7psi, 60 lb injectors, stainless works exhaust, Spec 3+ clutch and aluminum flywheel, one ethanol nozzle, and a "very conservative tune."

598 RWHP and 513 RWTQ with 42 lb injectors and "more aggressive tune."

Makes me think that with my build specs I should be pretty close to 600 depending on the tune!
-D1SC 6-8psi
-80lb injectors
-StainlessWorks LT Headers
-2.5" X pipe, no cats
-Monster LT1-S Twin Disc Clutch
-Ported LS2 Intake
-92MM TB
-320lph Fuel Pump W/ Walboro 255 wired to kick in at 5psi
-Venturi Jet Pump kit

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #130 on: April 28, 2016, 10:59:46 AM »

:) I'll have some 4k vids soon!
Exhaust just SLAUGHTERs the mic on the camera phone lol.

This has got to be one of the most amazing days of my life.
Its also my girlfriends birthday. Funny how I get a present even on her 21st lol  :P

Sheldon is a godsend. He not only cleaned up after someone elses mess, but he's managed to dish in close to 500 hours on this thing. He has really set the bar for swapped RX8s, let alone swapped cars in general. I'm very, very proud to call this mine and I'm forever grateful to have Sheldon work with me in this build.

I've not only met my future builder but a damn good friend also.

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #131 on: April 30, 2016, 09:28:29 AM »
Shes comin home today boys!![attachimg=1]

Offline paul_3rdgen

Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #132 on: April 30, 2016, 09:26:59 PM »
I noticed you mentioned Arun....from Canada?  If so please don't.  Long story but I wouldn't trust his tuning skills.  Cam kit sure..., tune.... No.  Just my opinion without getting into details.

Btw great build and congrats on getting it running.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
93 RX7 R1 500rwhp
LS2, H/C combo... ARE drysump
Race Logic traction Control and 4 wheel Stoptech BBK
3.73 gears installed in the stock diff  :o

Offline Assail

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #133 on: May 01, 2016, 07:00:07 AM »
Car is looking great man, glad the new builder worked out and quality of the work is awesome. Can't wait to see some more videos of it  :cheers:

Offline Coda734

Re: Procharged D1SC LS2 RX8 Build Ronin 8.8
« Reply #134 on: May 09, 2016, 06:00:43 PM »
I noticed you mentioned Arun....from Canada?  If so please don't.  Long story but I wouldn't trust his tuning skills.  Cam kit sure..., tune.... No.  Just my opinion without getting into details.

Btw great build and congrats on getting it running.

Yes that Arun! He's cool. Can't say much else about him. However, with the MSD it is self tuning and I do not plan on having it balls out tuned until I forge the motor. So conserved tune it is!

Car is looking great man, glad the new builder worked out and quality of the work is awesome. Can't wait to see some more videos of it  :cheers:

Thanks brother! Appreciate your aid in this build!

Been a headache lately. Car needs a control arm, that finally showed up today, way too low to drive on Mi roads, & the procharger spun the balancer, so a pin kit is on its way.

Also, spoke with Eric over at Ohlins and had a Road & Track Coilover set custom valved for my build!

Put on the new tails while I was bored. Bumpers just chillen on it, no point in putting it all together just to take it all off again.
Also got a glimpse of some rotary purists hating on the swap cause they're bout the stance life. Oh well, putting my money into function before I worry about the paint and bumpers and aesthetics. All show no go lol

« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 06:09:06 PM by Coda734 »