I actually wanted to take a sidebar and post a bit about the backyard. When you have a garage as small as mine sometimes overflow spaces become pretty handy. When there was a distinct possibility I'd move with my former company to Georgia (later decided no) I decided I needed to finish my backyard area. We'd poured some concrete slabs a while back for RV access, not that I have an RV, but I wanted to build a deck and planter to handle the elevation changes to the fence and make the area a bit nicer.
Rough layout when there was nothing there:

It was a long run so I kind of had a stair stepping design in my head.
Bought a bunch of pressure treated 4x4s for the uprights and cut to length.

Didn't get picture of the rental auger for dig post holes but that was fun. Top and bottom cuts were coated with Henry's Roofing Tar for extra moisture/bug resistance.

Gardener friend came and worked like a dog for a few days digging and pouring concrete. He's bad ass but I don't know how he makes a living at the rates he charges. I try to at least buy lunch and tip him well. I also want to work along side rather than just pay him to go do.

We did buff the fog out of his Tacoma headlights one evening as an extra thank you.
Home depot delivers late...

Random treasure found while digging in the back yard. Note the spark plug and brake shoes. Is that a part of a carburetor? Someone was truly a backyard mechanical at some point.

Gravel delivery on the RV slab and making use of my removable fence section.

Digging down to prep for the deck. I'm putting this at ground level which is a little unconventional but I think will be cool when I'm done.

"Natural" stain in a clear is actually mustard yellow. That won't look right on redwood so back it goes.

Redwood with redwood stain. Much better.

Lumber going back because it was warped. Learned my lesson. Always order extra and just plan to return some.

Fresh extra long pieces getting delivered. Serious, why does Home Depot always deliver after dark? RX7 getting driven though and that makes me happy.

Girls love the Home Depot carts. How many times can you visit the store in a week?

A bunch of the new stuff is warped too. Dammit. Looks like I'm heading for Ganahl and paying top dollar to pick out my own. Note to self. Stick to Home Depot standard size heart redwood where you can.

Didn't get any pictures of the work party but one of my best friends from growing up came down and the two of us slaved for a weekend to get the back structure of the deck laid in. You can see it peaking out at left.

More to come.