There are cams at the inner ends of the lower control arms, where they attach to the subframe. This is what allows you to adjust camber and caster. The subframe is slotted horizontally and by turning the cam you can shift the LCA in or out. If you do this at the front attachment it will adjust camber, if you do the rear it will adjust caster. If the camber cam spins on it's own your camber and toe will both be very out of whack. If the caster cam spins then the car will pull hard to one side or the other but it won't affect camber or toe nearly as much, thereby making it harder to tell visually that anything is out of adjustment.
If the shop has a guy that can tell a bent knuckle with a visual inspection I'd love to shake that guys hand. I've replaced a lot of bent uprights and the only way to tell is careful measurement off the car or by aligning it before and after the replacement to measure the angles. I would probably look for a different shop, or at the very least have them put it on the alignment rack and show you how and where it's out of spec.