Do you really make 24-28 laps around the track during an event? Just wondering b/c I would really like to try it out sometime...
Well, not really "laps", you have seen it. Just the nascar bank, the inside infield, and then a little hairpin. 4 of those, and you have to change rear or risk going into the wall / off track with sketchy tires.
That is only a normal pro-am Event. When FD comes to town (The ones you have watched me run in Mat), there is a whole day a practice before, then qualifying, then competition. That's a solid 16-18 tire weekend depending on how far you get into competition. You always want to have extra tires, because the worst thing you could do is go far into competition and be forced to drive poorly, or not at all because you are out of tires. I got through 1/2 my tires in a normal event, during practice. We get an hour to get the car all setup for that track condition that day. I have never been the most solid driver, so I would get as many runs as I could during practice, normally easily go through 2 or 3 pairs, then get 1 run on a new pair, so so they are ready for the qualifying run.