Been awhile since I updated... I finished the deck some time ago - cable railing was kinda a PIA but I am happy with how it turned out.

Now back to the RX-7-
I have been dealing with an inaccurate fuel gauge for some time, back with the stock and now with my speedhut. I finally decided to really dig into what is causing the issue. I had clean the contacts multiple times and measured resistance at the float. It always measured perfect so I thought it might be the actual stock gauge. I was still seeing similar, even worse issues with my speedhut gauges.
So I started to diagnose, I figured out that I was getting varying readings at the pins on the tank. First I cleaned the ground that goes to the top of the tank, this didn't change anything. I added extra grounds and still nothing. So I pulled the assembly out. I figured out that the ground on the negative side of the potentiate was very inconsistent. My solution was to run a ground wire from the chassis to negative side. Since I am not using the stock gauges I decided to cut the low fuel warning sender off and use this as a ground. I then grounded the other side.
So after all this I tested everything and go good OHM readings all the way up at the gauge. So I hooked up my fuel pump and started the car and the gauge dropped about an 1/8 tank. So the gauge is very accurate when the fuel pump isn't running but that seems to be causing some sort of EM interference or something. I don't plan on digging into this further because it is reading pretty close and I never let my tank go below 1/4 anyways.