Update time!
I kinda hit a wall with painting the interior, I even went to a couple local paint shops to see what they wanted to paint the panels and they were all in the 700-1000 range. I stumbled on to Urekem paints -
http://www.urekem-paints.com/ I was impressed with the amount of colors offered and very reasonable prices. I narrowed it down to low gloss Charcoal Grey Metallic & low gloss Static Grey Pearl. I ended up going with the Static Gray pearl. I also picked up some 2K primer for plastics.
I started yesterday and planned to give a couple coats of primer and then 600 grit sand and do the final spray. Well everything didn't go as planned. I ended up getting a good amount of fisheyes in the paint, still not sure what caused this. I spent most of last night sanding them out. Today I sprayed one more thinned coat of primer to seal everything and then sprayed the top coat. I couldn't be happier with the color and pretty happy with my painting skills. Only problem is I had a few specs of dust despite my makeshift paint booth. I really like the color, it has a very nice sheen and has some nice dark flakes in the paint, not a metallic. I think it is going to look great in the car! (pictures don't do it justice)

I also started working on final wiring and new warning lamps. I picked up my custom light holder last week which was 3D printed by a certain forum member... I am extremely happy with the way it turned out. I still need to make a mount for it and also fully seal it to the plastic.