Alright, took care of the old radiator brackets and resprayed most of the engine bay. Karsty, thanks for pointing that out! Not only did the paint turn out better this time, but I sprayed further up onto the strut towers as well.
Also got the subframe back in and all torqued down. Put the steering rack in temporarily. It'll get new bushings before it gets installed permanently.
Here's a close-up of the paint. It's obviously not perfect but I'm happy with how it turned out for doing it in a garage and spray can.
Last thing I've been working on is rebuilding the HVAC boxes. I have the heater and A/C boxes disassembled and the old foam stripped off. Exidous helped me out with ordering the correct materials. Here's what I got from McMaster-Carr. Ordered it in the afternoon and received it the next morning by 11am.

93625K194 qty 1
93625K184 qty 1
93275K52 qty 1 buffer between boxes(heat,fan,a/c), the plastic tube to driver door and defrost vent ONLY
And of course the mess of old deteriorating foam I took off.
I'll work on re-assembling the puzzle of the heater box this week. Looking forward to getting the engine/trans test fitted so I can drill for the transmission mount in the coming weeks.