The factory A/C lines will need to go. If you are using the Samberg radiator then it has previsions for an aftermarket condensor. From there, I highly recommend Halfspec's A/C lines. There is currently a group buy going on. the small clips and wiring, you just have to take your time. Some of the plastic clips are replaceable. Mazda still produces some, but some they do not. For a straight answer and excellent price, call Ray Crow at Malloy Mazda. Hands down the best service for OEM parts.
With the ABS, I deleted mine. My car brakes like a champ and I enjoyed gutting 30lbs of spaghetti from my bay. Far less clips to worry about as well. Alex Rodriguez sells a kit on the "other club". I can also hit him up, if you are interested.
The wiring can pretty much stay as is, or you can get extreme. The relay brackets on the passenger side, I simply relocated. The drivers side of course has the fuse box, and the large engine harness. If you strip it down that harness and follow the FSM, you will see most of them will be useful.
Coolant disconnect (level buzzer)
Oil level
A/C compressor switch
P/S pressure sensor
Oil pressure sensor (for cluster)
Not sure what you plant to do with gauges, but the coolant temp sensor comes from the emissions harness that use to be connected to the ECU. Parts of that harness plug to the old rotary ECU, and parts of it plugged into some body plugs. Those plugs have a few functions such as the ignition and of course, the temp sensor's gauge on the cluster. Again, you can identify the exact wire with the FSM.
All of these things are pretty easily traceable if you take your time. Though I am really new to the LSX swap, I am not new to the FD wiring. Since I did a tuck on my car, I learned alot of how the factory wiring is laid out. Here to help.