Alright. Since you're interested and because I'd like to have a place I can point other folks who are interested (I get this question in PMs often) I'll give you the long answer.
To start with you've got two diagrams that Pez put on this forum a few years ago:

This is the diagram to use when the stock fan #1 relay is in place.

This is the diagram to use when the stock fan relay is removed.
Concentrate on the AC request relay and note the subtle differences between the two diagrams.
Here is how they're different.When you DO have the stock fan #1 relay the AC button gives out 12V when it's not pushed in and GROUND when the button is pressed in.
When you DON'T have the stock fan #1 relay the the AC button FLOATS (like nothing is connected) when it's not pushed in and GROUND when the button is pressed in.
Here is WHY they're different.The AC button connects to the stock fan #1 relay on the ground side of the relay's coil taking a path through the thermo switch, X-07, etc. See pages Z-68 and Z-42. The reason this is significant is that the relay's coil acts as a pull-up resistor. In essence you have a weak connection to 12v through the relay. That's why you see 12v when the button is at rest when fan relay #1 is still connected to it. When the relay is removed/deleted that weak pull-up is no longer there so you get a floating connection. That simple change is enough to redesign the ac request relay circuit.
Now lets clear up the FSM mess on Z-68. IMO, this is one of the hardest parts of the FSM to understand. so don't feel bad that it's confusing.
Alright, pull up Z-68 and find the AC switch on the lower right.
Notice that it's normally open. See the leg that exits out of 1G. That's the path to ground. How? You'll see it make its way to position 1 of the blower switch. When you switch the blower switch, this is how it gets ground.
Position #1 = Direct patch to ground through the switch
Position #2 = Path to ground through the diode then to through the switch
Position #3 = Path to ground through the diode then through the second resistor then through the switch
Position #4 - Path to ground through the diode then through the second and third resistors then through the switch
My theory on position 3 and 4 and the resistors is that the resistors are very low resistance (like 1-2ohms so they're negligible). The first resistor is a little more substantial therefore the diode path is there to shortcut it in position 2, 3, and 4.
So, you've got a path to ground through the AC switch on leg 1G. What about Leg 1l?
Leg 1l is the extra tricky one. You'll see it goes through the thermo switch then branches to the fan relay #1 then to the CPU (which is where you Pez's diagram says to pick up the signal at B1-01). Ok so remember the AC switch is
NORMALLY OPEN so it only passes ground when you press the switch. When it's not pressed is what's tricky.
Case #1
Remember what I said about the coil of fan relay #1 providing a weak 12v pullup? Well when the relay is in place, and the AC switch isn't engaged (OPEN) the relay's coil sends 12V to B1-01. Then, when you press the AC switch and the blower is at least turned to position 1 you get a GROUND to B1-01. That describes the scenario in Pez's first diagram. What people get confused about here is the 12V pullup through the fan relay #1. That 12V doesn't just go away so what happens to it? Well that's the concept that makes pullup resistors useful. When you've got a STRONG ground through say the AC switch it OVERPOWERS the weak pullup through the coil so B1-01 only sees a GROUND. It also activates the coil on the relay, making the relay close and start fan #1.
Case #2
This case is when fan relay #1 has been removed / deleted. The weak pullup to 12V through the coil is no longer there so when the AC switch isn't pushed in (OPEN) B1-01 sees
nothing therefore it just sees an an OPEN AC switch. No voltage, no GND, no nothing. However, the actual switch's behavior doesn't change so you get a strong GND when you press the switch.
Soooo in your case, if you wanted to use the stock AC switch with as little mods as possible, you would determine which diagram applies to your situation (whether you have the stock fan relay #1 or not), then you'd build the AC Request Relay (no need to bother with the Compressor Relay), then you'd either hook the wires to the rocker switch to pins 87a and 30 (in the case that you DO have the stock fan #1 relay) or you'd hook the rocker switch wires to pin 87 and 30 (in the case that you DON'T have the stock fan #1 relay).
Hope that helps.