Canada has the most homo gun laws ever. May as well not bother with pistols or anything on the restricted list. At least we got rid of the gun registry what a waste of money that was. In order to even buy a gun you need to take a firearms course. Then you mail in a form to the rcmp with a form showing you passed the course. In 3 months you MIGHT get your PAL (possession/acquisition license). Then there's 3 kinda of PAL's. Non-restricted, restricted, and prohibited. In order to own a handgun you need a "restricted" license and even then only certain handguns are available for purchase. The AR platform is also "restricted". Anything full auto or can be converted to full auto is straight up prohibited and getting a prohibited license is next to impossible. With a restricted PAL you can buy a handgun which is then registered. You need an ATT(authorization to transport) which is setup by calling the RCMP. Then you can only take it to a registered gun range and you must transport it disabled inside of a locked case in a vehicle straight to the range, do your shooting, and drive straight home.
Thats why you will notice alot of canadians into guns are into high power rifles since they are considered non restricted. Here's my list:
-Browning BAR Safari 7mm Mag with an old redfield scope (my main hunting rifle)
-Ruger Mini-14 .223 with a cheapy leupold scope (rides around in my truck with me banging around in the backseat)
-Marlin XT-17VSLB .17 HMR with a cheap vortex scope (for gopher and small rodent duty)
-Remington 700 Tactical .223 with a Nikon Monarch scope (for coyote and fox)
-Savage 110BA .338 Lapua with a Leupold Mark 4 scope (for shooting down airplanes)(basically a toy)
That about covers it. I've owned and sold a pile of guns. Including a .50 BMG and 416 Barrett, .50 Desert Eagle, 9mm's, .45's everything. I only keep the ones I like to shoot and that I use all the time. I do hand load my own bullets which I find relaxing and will net you more accuracy than anything I've seen.
Here's my Savage