Hey Y'All,
Picked up a s4 car a few months back and im finally getting around to grabbing the parts for it. The plan is a 5.3L LM7 engine with t56 (corvette trans internals). Also to convert it into a pickup - A finished looking one. The intention of the truck is to be a promotional vehicle for my company im starting so i will be retaining heat and a/c.
Currently in the process of parting out and swapping it over to a 5 lug car (sourced all parts for this already in a nice package deal).
Got a 5.3L already with a harness and PCM, also have a few transmission parts on the way.
I look forward to learning some stuff from you all and hopefully I can share a few things as well.
Btw : Located in NJ if there are any local V8 rx7 guys shoot me a pm or something,