Coming along nicely. My previous post really needed a smiley at the at the end of the sentence not an exclamation mark. I really did mean your fab skills especially with metal are better than mine

On the ITBs I've got them up and running and mapped with EFi Live. I can highly recommend them as they can give a huge boost to low and mid range torque especially. They sound pretty good as a bonus. I will say that the linkage setup is very crucial and should not be underestimated. Very small movements have a big affect on air flow and any imbalance is obvious in the fuel trims.
As I mentioned before 52mm ITBs really are a bit big for my 5.7 LS1 and I was struggling to get the idle down without the throttle blades being fully closed. One thing I did was to insert 2mm restrictors in each vac line to minimise the air passing between each inlet runner. So the bike ITBs may not be so bad after all.