Hi Everyone.... Here's a quick update regarding the car.
It's still for sale... once I receive a deposit and/or the car is sold, I'll update the thread.
I know I haven't been actively bumping it but that's because I'm not in a rush to sell it.
It seems that I'm more susceptible to lowballers by keeping my thread active.
Anyway, just so that everyone can get a better idea of the kind of thought process I have... here's how I installed the Feed Side Skirts without drilling the actually body.

Basically, I used the body plugs to hold nuts that I can bolt right into. If you wanted to remove/replace the skirts, it would be a much simpler affair. Additionally, you can replace the body plugs with fresh ones and return the car back to stock.
If you have specific questions, please feel free to PM me directly. General questions that the greater public would probably be interested in can be posted here. Please use good judgment and respect this thread.
Thank you all!