HP EFI user, albeit on a first gen SBC.
I didn't know a damned thing about EFI, yet still managed to get the thing to fire up on the first shot. Tuning, timing adjustments, etc. are all a breeze.
I STRONGLY suggest ordering from a reputable vendor. I got my stuff through Brian Macy at Horsepower Connection. He took care of all my troubleshooting, his connections with the folks at Holley had me a next day aired ECU when mine wouldn't sync via USB, and when I've had small problems, he's taken over my laptop and made tuning adjustments for me real-time. I love it, and will never go back to carburetors again cost-permitting.
Note that he talked me out of the EZ type setups from the various vendors. They work well, but when they don't work perfectly (funny idle behavior, etc.), you become very limited in what you can fix vs. what you have to learn to deal with. I liked having that bit of extra adjustment, plus the adaptability going forward.