I promised pictures, and like others I don't take many, because I start working and then I don't really stop for pictures.
I'm glad for the progress. That said, I HATE locking lugs, particularly when I don't have the key.

Took an hour and half to get the rear wheel off to do brakes and suspension. Full of hammering, spinning on the lug, swearing, spinning more to pry off. Getting a smaller impact socket cursing a lot. Hammering a lot. Getting lug stuck, hammering some more and finally getting the wheel off.
Only to then have to drill out the rotor screw and hammer a shit ton on the rotor to get it free. Alas, next weekend I'll tackle the otherside. For now some progress. And more importantly pictures.

I tried to get a good picture of the radiator set-up. I may not have been terribly successful.
The swirl pot, as it were

As it sits.

But what is in that box you ask? Did you notice? No?

well you get to see anyway.