So, I have a 93 RX7 in my garage, but it seems that someone wants it more than I do, so I am at a point where I can re-evaluate what I want. I can either find another FD RX7, or I can find a E36 M3 to LS swap. I have read up on both cars and the only reason I leaned towards the FD is because I think it looks so much cooler. I think from a handling stand point, they both handled like kings back in their day.
Here is what I would be using the car for. I actually plan to DD this thing most of the year. Not really going to be a competition car, but I will likely do some drag racing, maybe some autoX and I would really like to do some standing mile when I have everything squared away. So, saying that, I want something that is still comfortable to daily but I can dual purpose on the weekends. Ultra reliable, and probably going to aim for 400-500 HP. The one thing I noticed sitting in my RX7 is that 6'1'' me barely fits in it and there are no cup holders...
So, do I stay RX7 or go M3?