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Author Topic: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding  (Read 13023 times)

Offline Grr

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2013, 09:08:26 AM »
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 08:40:08 PM by Grr »

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2013, 01:21:32 PM »
you are doing a great job on this thing, almost done keep at it!
Thanks man, been trying to get this car back together. Need to get a drive shaft, modify the exhaust to clear the 4l80 and get a tune then drive it

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2013, 05:22:21 AM »

Worked on the exhaust, chopped it up to start making it fit the new trans and mount, need to order a vband to finish it all up:

Made the trans cooler lines, used heat sleeving around the areas near the hotside piping:

Installed the trans temp sending unit:

Mounted the relays for the fuel pumps inside the battery box and finished up shrouding all the wiring:

Started installing the new trans dipstick

Offline gnx7

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2013, 02:04:53 PM »
Gettin sh*t done!

Can't wait to see what this car is capable of.

Is the paint as good in person as it looks in pictures?
'93 FD: 441ci/AllPro LS7 heads/intake en route, T56 Mag, 8.8" IRS, HolleyHP, DavisTechTC 10.32@137mph cats/full exhaust. 165mph 1/2 mile (old LS7)
'93 FD LS9 turbo, T56 Mag, Samberg 8.8" solid axle, 9.35@163mph 197mph 1/2 mile
`69 Chevelle: alum 5.3, GTS76 turbo, ChiseledPerf A/W, T56 Magnum,Ford 35 spline 9".CTS-V interior
old yellar....440rwhp/FD sold but not forgotten:
I sell new T56 Magnums/McLeod clutch/T56 rebuild kits/Holley EFI/FIC injectors and all BrianTooleyRacing parts.

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2013, 08:04:08 PM »
@gnx7: Trying, I wrench at a performance shop so i have the weekends and after hours.  Sometimes its hard to find the motivation, not to mention the GF doesn't care much for me being at the shop all the time.
The paint is a beautiful color, its fairly fresh and already has some chipping and imperfections probably skimped on through prep.  I'm not a paint Nazi so to me it looks great.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 04:18:48 PM by stbrn19 »

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2013, 03:34:35 AM »

Finished adding the wiring for the additional VSS for the 4l80e
Flushed the trans cooler and installed the lines/routed everything that was left.

Worked on the interior a bit:

Ground down the area where i cut the door bars from the main hoop

Cut up the door bars to use as new rear bars, Really not happy with how these turned out but they will work.

Took some sheet metal and cut it to size in order to cover holes and damage to the floor boards, originally i tried to tack this on but was just blowing through the thin metal and floor pan so silicon and self tapping screws is how it ended up.

Took out the sound dampening/ heat crap and carpet under lay / aluminum foil shit that was laid in the car:
Heres most of the old crap, it was laid over metal shavings from fabbing and dirt/filth:

Cleaned up, vacuumed and tried to de funk the floor boards. Sprayed all the floor pan i could get to with some head and sound dampening spray from DEI:

More later..

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2013, 06:54:17 AM »

Got some more done, spent a long time making the exhaust work but its my first time with anything like it. (new to welding and making crap)
Finished up the exhaust:

Painted the exhaust after i finished welding it up I'll get a picture of it next time i'm working on it.

Got a conversion u-joint and slip yoke to make my driveshaft all happy:
Crappy pic

Need to get a base tune on this thing so I can start getting it all sorted out, its getting very close to being road worthy again.

Offline trickygotmein

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2013, 07:39:56 AM »
I really dig your paint also. Great progress, keep the pictures comming !
:D     W A R   H O R S E      :D

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2013, 04:57:00 AM »
I really dig your paint also. Great progress, keep the pictures comming !
Thanks man 

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2013, 05:02:42 AM »

Alright, worked on the car almost the whole day...
Went and pulled the PCM out and drove it to meet with NicD Our local LS tuner, He was nice enough to throw a base in it for me on the spot (I was thinking I was going to have to wait a bit and get it in a few days).  Need to get some miles on this thing and then get a the tune completed.

Having the tune I worked to get it ready to start.

Made lines for the catch can, put heats sheilding around some wiring in the engine bay, installed the air filter etc.

Installed the exhaust:

Cleaned up some of the rats nest that used to behind the cluster:

Added fluids:

Added heat/sound deadener:
Some shots while i was doing it.

Went to crank it and nothing................
Spent a few hours digging through the custom body harness to finally chase down the culprit. Since there is just a cluster fuck of wires with no rhyme reason or color coding it was very time consuming. I was getting pissed.   >:(

Started her up!
Just a quick video from when I first fired her up.  Worked on it a bunch more before I called it a night. Buttoning up little shit that I had messed with and putting most of the interior back together:

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2013, 02:45:58 AM »


Took it out for a spin, It was damn hot with no A/C but it was fun.  Car drives like a dream.  It was still running fairly hot so I swapped some radiator fans i had on my corvette:
Old fan

New fans

Engine bay shot

Installed an OG greddy profec B boost controller:

Installed the passanger seat and buttoned up the interior:

Decided to make the journey home from my work in it to see how it would do.  Well the fans didn't do any better than the old setup.  Going to make some sheet metal ducting to try and make it better, if that fails buy a better radiator.  It does ok in town but on the free way it just gets HOT.

Shot at the gas station, filling up with the corn fuel:

Offline RX7what

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2013, 04:28:58 AM »
What color blue is that? I like it.
95 FD #496/499 LS2

Norotors is far and away the best car forum on the Internet, bar none.

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2013, 04:52:03 AM »
What color blue is that? I like it.
Don't know to be honest, asked the previous owner and he couldn't tell me.  IIRC he said it was a house of colors mix of a few things?  He was not very specific but it does look good 

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2013, 06:37:19 AM »

ducting lots of pictures.  took me a lot of time..


more cardboard fun:

sides and top:

i fubar'd the passenger side piece and tried to fix it but without taking it apart and hammering it flat its going to look all ugly.  I'll have to see if it works and if I care enough to fix it later

Offline wickedrx7

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2013, 08:09:58 AM »
Ducting should help some but honestly, you need a better radiator. Just a single pass is not going to cool that thing off. Do you have an oil cooler? If not, that would help too. 

1993 Touring, 2012 L99, T-56, Ronnin 8.8, Ohlins, Speedhut, Samberg and lots of custom parts
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