Alright, worked on the car almost the whole day...
Went and pulled the PCM out and drove it to meet with NicD Our local LS tuner, He was nice enough to throw a base in it for me on the spot (I was thinking I was going to have to wait a bit and get it in a few days). Need to get some miles on this thing and then get a the tune completed.
Having the tune I worked to get it ready to start.
Made lines for the catch can, put heats sheilding around some wiring in the engine bay, installed the air filter etc.
Installed the exhaust:

Cleaned up some of the rats nest that used to behind the cluster:

Added fluids:

Added heat/sound deadener:
Some shots while i was doing it.

Went to crank it and nothing................
Spent a few hours digging through the custom body harness to finally chase down the culprit. Since there is just a cluster fuck of wires with no rhyme reason or color coding it was very time consuming. I was getting pissed.
Started her up!
Just a quick video from when I first fired her up. Worked on it a bunch more before I called it a night. Buttoning up little shit that I had messed with and putting most of the interior back together: