Hey Cam_Ron, just found this thread and started a membership just to tell you how awesome this thing is. See it's been a while since you've updated so I hope its still going, looks like you really did it right so far.
Not to long ago I owned an fc and a great running SC300 5 speed and I spent a lot of time looking at them parked next to each other, picturing the 2j in the fc, but definitely didn't have the confidence to go about trying something like that. Now I still own the SC and have more friends who would love to tackle something like this and have a lot of automotive and fab experience. Seeing projects like this has inspired me to go for it!
Currently I am in "an undisclosed location in southwest Asia" and when I get back I'll have more disposable cash than ever in my life, and after some wise investing I want to dive into this. I'll be keeping real basic at first, just engine rebuild and swap it in with no forced induction or anything. Hopefully after thoroughly looking for answers else where I'll be able to get some pointers from you without getting to annoying!
Once more, Heroic build!