Hi Guys,
been a little busy to update, the install is finished and going well. I want to again thank the team from Ronin for an awesome conversion kit for the 8.8. I still can not believe the difference it has made to the car with the 3.73 gears over the 4.11 as I can now use 1st and 2nd gear and at 3,500 rpm in second the car acts like an animal and just spins like it is hitting boost and stays stout all the way to the rev limiter.. It has dropped 300 rpm at 100 kMH/62 MPH on cruise in 5th (1,800 rpm) and 6th (1,500 rpm) so for a street application I'm sold on the 3.73 ratio. Also love the ground clearence as you can see by the photo plenty of daylight and most importantly no wheel hop..
Big thumbs up for outstanding customer service and a quality product to match...