Major update!
1. Sorted out a ton of wires, and random brackets that were on the car from the previous owner. (ghetto shifter mount, random wires and solenoids to god only knows what, brackets that mounted... NO IDEA haha)
2. We pulled the carpet completly out. It was way way beyond saving. wile in there we also pulled 80% of the sound deadening for now.
3. Pulled the diff and axles out. (for sale 100 bucks for NA diff + axles)
4. Also cut the front "crossmember" out where the horns mount.
Cutting the crossmember was not a weight saving thing, in fact its prob a pound heavier but the factory piece is big and bulky. The new bar we put in is also hollow witch is going to allow us to run the wires through it to realy tuck the wires nicely.

For the new bar we cut 2 square holes to pass the bar through the "frame" and then welded it on the inside and outside. It made it extremly strong!

here it is temp painted and with trans cooler mounts on it.