#75 by spacevomit on 24 Jan, 2014 14:04
#76 by Kruizer on 11 Feb, 2014 04:22
#77 by atli126 on 11 Feb, 2014 11:40
Wowoowowowowo! Amazing!
#78 by Kruizer on 12 Feb, 2014 04:32
#79 by airwolf16 on 12 Feb, 2014 07:10
Not exactly my style. but i can appreciate a well built car! gaps are nice, and everything looks straight and clean. keep it going!!!!!
Very impressed -
#80 by Kruizer on 13 Feb, 2014 17:27
#81 by airwolf16 on 13 Feb, 2014 18:53
the rear is growing on me. I have liked that style of wind/Tail. i like how you smoothed out everything in the back.
interested in what you are going to come up with on the front. -
#82 by N2v8fcs on 14 Feb, 2014 09:06
nice job!
#83 by Kruizer on 17 Feb, 2014 04:13
So I decided to make a start on the front bumper, as per usual I had to make room, got my priorities right though, saved the axle stand for the king size Toblerone
I did however use them for the front :
I had some temporary brackets already pop riveted on to give an idea of the task ahead :
However the heights just were not right so I had to cut and space it at the side, again I got out the green oasis foam for some general shaping and starting to get a top coat of fibreglass on the front to hold the shape, the reinforcement will happen at the back but if you look at the bottom of the bumper the line now looks level and proper... Still have to roll my front wings, its never ends... -
#84 by digitalsolo on 17 Feb, 2014 07:27
Looking good all around, way better now that it's all one color.
Send me the Toblerone! -
#85 by Kruizer on 19 Feb, 2014 12:57
Looking good all around, way better now that it's all one color.
Send me the Toblerone!
Its all mine mwahahahahaha....
So got up at 5am this morning, loaded the car onto the trailer and set off for Dublin, only 130miles but at 80kph it was a long enough spin... Anyways on the good side, got it to MG Crash Crash Repairs where Mark will be painting the engine bay and interior (rollcage) for me as I'm a fussy f**ker. The RX8 was feeling a little intimidated by one of Mark's RB S15's ha, ha, his workshop is awesome, 2 x RB S15's, 2JZ Altezza, and my favourite the Escort Cosworth to name but a few. On the home stretch now -
#86 by airwolf16 on 19 Feb, 2014 23:12
Drum Roll!!!!
Waiting intently on the color!!!! -
#87 by atli126 on 19 Feb, 2014 23:14
I love the white! I went ibis audi white and i love it!
#88 by Kruizer on 23 Mar, 2014 14:01
@ airwolf16 : Tis only the inside I'm afraid
@ atli126 : White is right
So I haven't posted an update on this in a while, been busy with the RX7 and of course getting the other RX8So Mark from MG Crash Repair sent me on these pic's of the car today, the interior and bay have been fully finished in Toyota 040 Super White, I think it looks awesome and I cannot wait to see it in the metal
#89 by Kruizer on 25 Mar, 2014 15:42
So Mark sent on the previous picutres on Sunday when he finished painting the car, Monday after work, I packed herself and the dogs into the car and 130miles later we were in MG Crash Repairs. As herself is managing Team Chihuahua on fb she was good enough to take a few quick pic's of how the car turned out, the colour is so bright, I have to say what he was given compared to what he is returning, there is no comparison. I would highly recommend him to anyone.
Sneaky pic of myself and Mark chatting about the drift scene, dunno where Paul (Also a very fella to talk too, can see why he is liked so much in the scene) disappeared too
Romeo even climbed into his car for a pic, needs a booster seat though
And just two random shots with effects thrown on, kinda like her without sideskirts
Next stop, Gripfab