There is a blower sticking out a hole cut in the hood. "Hacked" into the hood if you will. With proper effort, it could be fit UNDER a hood, or a nice cowl could be fabricated to cover it. That's half-ass.
It sounds like the car runs well, kudos if so. Personally I'm not one to trust the overall fabrication skill of a car when such obvious shortcomings are visible.
Beyond that, by all means, build some of these cars for 12-15k, and sell them for 20-25k, you should make a ton of money, apparently none of us are as smart as you geniuses. By all means, show us up!
Beyond that, the "you have nothing to do but sit on a forum anyway" comment, when YOU are sitting on a forum is a sign of a complete fucking idiot. It means you're too damned stupid to come up with any kind of intelligent retort, and too lazy to bother trying to find something useful to mock. If you want to argue here, put some effort forth or go home.
You both reek of people who have had people swinging on their nuts too long and can't handle criticism. Guess what, you're not special, you don't even have the fastest car in this thread. As I said before, to the right person, your price isn't really that unreasonable, ASSUming you did a good job on the engine setup and ASSuming it doesn't overheat, and ASSuming you have upgraded the rear to handle the power, anyway. Otherwise it looks like something I can build over a weekend, if I spent the first day watching TV.