I installed a DC control pulse width modulating cooling fan controller. After I bought everything, I discovered that the guy that runs that company has gotten a bad rep. I had a lot of correspondence with him and he was very helpful and knowledgeable. Unfortunately with the Samberg radiator kit, the controller whines pretty bad, and I don’t really like the radiator fin sensor that he uses, so I think I’m going to switch to a 2-speed 3-relay setup using PCM controls instead.
The T56 magnum is amazing. Shift quality is awesome, and the gear ratios are better than my previous trans. Super happy with the swap. I’m using a stock shifter modified by gnx7 and it feels great. I want to get a different shifter arm and shift knob, but the shifter itself works great. I tore a hole in my mattster03 shifter hole boot, so I need to figure out a solution.

After I had everything buttoned up, I found out that my clutch hydraulics were not working correctly. After frustratingly chasing my tail for several hours, I concluded that my Wilwood clutch master cylinder crapped out. It was dry for a few weeks while I had the engine out, so I think the seals got ruined. I rebuilt it with a Wilwood kit and all is fine, but I’m going to swap to a Land Cruiser unit. It will take a little more work, but I think it is a better overall design.
Like most others, I have a leaking Samberg V2 radiator. It seals now after I used the GM radiator tabs, but I will change to a better setup if it becomes available.
I got a Davies Craig electric water pump setup and LS1 adapter kit, but haven’t gotten around to installing it.

My coolant temps taken from the rear passenger side head normally sit at around 220 once hot. I have never touched the thermostat and my fans turn on well before that, so I’m not sure why the temps stay that high. My oil temps will get up to 240-250 even when I’m driving normally. My temp sensor is in the improved racing oil cooler adapter which is pretty close to the headers. I’m wondering if the heat from the headers is raising the temp reading, and if not, then why my oil temps are so high.