Are we still on gun rights or are we going back to gay stuff but still liking Chick-Fil-A? lol
"God created all men and Sam Colt made them equal." Line from Quigly Down Under
Yeah AZ might have their policy, but they shouldn't have fired the guy - it's too bad we don't live in a time of common sense anymore - in todays world of bureaucrats and lawyers AZ probably had no choice but to fire him to cover their own rear.
As far as the "don't react when getting robbed" policy, that is a tough one, statistically it probably is the best thing to do. However, my dad flies for American Airlines, they had the same basic "comply and cooperate" policy for hijackers, and that's why 3000+ people died on 9/11. We've become a nation of people scared to death to stand up and confront an ugly situation. If we were tougher on crime, A LOT tougher, things we wouldn't have these issues...
Oh well, at least I live in Texas and I have a Utah CC license - the best of both worlds