Hey guys,
My dad passed away last Monday from Lymphoma cancer at 77 years old. He was diagnosed a year ago. I thought he would get through it but wasn't to be. It's really tough to accept the finality of him being gone.
He was a great father and role model for me. My life, morals and values are shaped through what he taught me and how he raised me. He dedicated his life to serving his family and his compatriots in the military.
There wasn't a soldier who got by him without him thanking them for their service.
He served 21 years in the Air Force and 26 years in the American Legion. His first hitch was at the very end of the Korean conflict and through Vietnam. I grew up in the Air Force all across the world with him.
At his funeral his American Legion post stood guard over his remains. The Air Force sent an honor guard who did the 21 gun salute and flag folding ceremony. My step brother played taps on his bugle.
A close friend of my dad and I has a retired Air Force T-34. He did a beautiful fly over. South to North very low and fast then came around East to West even lower, almost brushing the tree tops. As he passed he went vertical and into a beautiful loop followed by a perfect barrel roll with a wing wag goodbye going into the sunset. It was truly amazing. There wasn't a dry eye. Even the Color Guard was tearing up.
My wife made this 15 minute video compilation of his life. I don't expect you all to really watch it but it helps me to deal with this. I just wanted people to see what he was about.