Dude just be real for once, we all know your car is fast that isn't what we are questioning. It's a sick car and a very nice build. Everyone has just been trying to get you to be truthful about your setup. There's no reason to be doing "street racer hustle" out at the airstrip. By you insulting everyone's intelligence, you turn a fun event into a very displeasing event. People put thousands of dollars into their cars and take pride in what they have and for you to claim such low figures (both hp figures and boost levels) causes people to get pissed. And if 24psi on a ls9 would cause the heads to lift, then you need to learn how to tune a bit better my friend.
I find this statement laughable. You seem irritated that Mike kept telling people "It's only 4 psi" and, in some way, that hurt the event. Well you might remember me. I'm the guy who drove the green N/A Ls7 RX7. The event was "Supposed" to be broken up into power levels which quickly, and I mean quickly (after the first race), erroded into grudge style "call out" racing. I had no problem with that but I can tell you that EVERYONE that I raced, and I raced ALOT of people, sandbagged their numbers. Some more than others but everyone was guilty of it. Even I did it to get races No biggie, it just added flavor to the event.
Essentially it was race=win=new faster race=turn it up=race=win etc...
Mike started at 4 and ended at 10. What's the issue? I suspect that people with big $$$ toys got beat by people with less $$$ toys and it stings......
You want fair, go bracket racing or stock car racing......Oh wait!