Next event I will have to put in one of the guys above in the car with a psi gauge in hand.
Look, I was at the event and I was standing there when everyone was questioning your setup. I know a few people offered to ride in your car and video your boost gauge to prove to everyone you were in fact running 4psi.....You declined making some excuse. Also I remember we asked you about a boost controller on Saturday and you claimed you had no boost controller installed, but then Sunday you magically had higher trap speeds. When asked again about a boost controller you said you had installed on overnight.
So you are telling me you found boost control solenoids, wired them in, dialed them in to your Holley standalone system, all on a Saturday night in Coalinga California?........Must have went to the K mart to get that.
Dude just be real for once, we all know your car is fast that isn't what we are questioning. It's a sick car and a very nice build. Everyone has just been trying to get you to be truthful about your setup. There's no reason to be doing "street racer hustle" out at the airstrip. By you insulting everyone's intelligence, you turn a fun event into a very displeasing event. People put thousands of dollars into their cars and take pride in what they have and for you to claim such low figures (both hp figures and boost levels) causes people to get pissed. And if 24psi on a ls9 would cause the heads to lift, then you need to learn how to tune a bit better my friend.