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Author Topic: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!  (Read 18267 times)

Offline screamin88

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #45 on: October 27, 2012, 09:14:21 AM »
Looks like the mounts worked out well! Looks bad ass, can't wait to see that intake fit under a hood of some

Offline jax04

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2012, 09:27:11 AM »
Looks like the mounts worked out well! Looks bad ass, can't wait to see that intake fit under a hood of some

LOL! Thanks man.  They did work out.  Ive got about 3/4" between the rack and the pan.  I had some 3x2 box laying around from my sub frame connectors and cut a couple pieces about 3" long, welded them to the top your pedestals and set the engine down, centered it, marked the holes, tacked the box in place, welded them on all the way around and drilled the holes. It was very easy.  i may have forgot to account to account for the bellhousing of the trans and it might sit back a little far, but it'll be as easy as moving it forward and drilling a couple more holes if need be.

Project Deadpool--FC--347ci LS1-Powerglide--CRT88mm--TIME TO BREAK SOME SHIT!

Offline zbrown

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #47 on: October 27, 2012, 11:39:23 AM »
Holy that is tall

Offline DavidPHumes

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #48 on: October 27, 2012, 03:00:10 PM »
I will be depressed if you get your car driving before mine. You probably will though  :)
FC, L33, E85, TC76, 8.8" solid axle, 1.80 PG - Parted Out
NA Miata, FM coilovers, FM sway bars, Hard Dog roll bar, 949 subframe braces - Daily Driver

Offline jax04

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #49 on: October 27, 2012, 03:30:25 PM »
Yes it is Zac, lol

David, that pic in your sig is fucking sick!

I doubt i will get mine going first. We shall see. I got it plated today just in case though, haha
Project Deadpool--FC--347ci LS1-Powerglide--CRT88mm--TIME TO BREAK SOME SHIT!

Offline jax04

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #50 on: October 27, 2012, 03:42:25 PM »
Does the wire with the black tape (black with white) go to the back of the 100amp fuse and the thicker black wire with white go to the alternator?

Sent from my Thunderbolt

Project Deadpool--FC--347ci LS1-Powerglide--CRT88mm--TIME TO BREAK SOME SHIT!

Offline jax04

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #51 on: November 01, 2012, 09:45:16 PM »
Picking up 8.8 rear tomorrow... So begins the fun of fabricating that in their, haha.  Ive not touched it all week. 

Indiana appears to move ultra fast these days, i turned the State police paperwork and title in on Sat morning and got the new title on Tuesday, thought that was pretty fast.  Anywho... Things will get moving here this weekend for sure.  Lots of pics to come....
Project Deadpool--FC--347ci LS1-Powerglide--CRT88mm--TIME TO BREAK SOME SHIT!

Offline jax04

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #52 on: November 02, 2012, 11:48:26 PM »
Well, tonight the 8.8 showed up and we yanked the old crap out and slid the new axle under. Came up with what we think is a great idea for mounting the lower arms and the tops we are gonna do pretty much exactly what Blake did. 

So ill go pick up some steel tomorrow and get started. Hope to be done with the rear install by next weekend.

Sent from my Thunderbolt

Project Deadpool--FC--347ci LS1-Powerglide--CRT88mm--TIME TO BREAK SOME SHIT!

Offline jax04

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #53 on: November 02, 2012, 11:49:34 PM »
One bummer. I don't have upper arms yet for it. Thought it had them but was wrong :-(

Sent from my Thunderbolt

Project Deadpool--FC--347ci LS1-Powerglide--CRT88mm--TIME TO BREAK SOME SHIT!

Offline zbrown

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #54 on: November 03, 2012, 12:12:00 AM »
There it is

Offline Adrenaline

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #55 on: November 03, 2012, 10:22:24 PM »
I may have to check up on this site just to see what you do to my old car.

Did you use the screemin mounts that i had with the car, or did you just happen to buy them from him?

And Ian i should have traded your seats for these while i had the car, now you have to ship them all the way back.  ;)
2017 Colorado Z71 - 2016 Camaro 2SS M6 - 1987 RX7 S4 T2

Offline jax04

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #56 on: November 03, 2012, 10:25:18 PM »
Actually the kid didn't know what he had, and I actually ordered the mounts from Ian before i found this car. Lol. So now i have a set extra, lol.

That kid really had no idea at all what he had going on their.  Its here now though, and will get finished.  Thanks for talking with me earlier too, that really cleared up a bunch of questions i had.  :bacon:

Project Deadpool--FC--347ci LS1-Powerglide--CRT88mm--TIME TO BREAK SOME SHIT!

Offline forcefed86

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #57 on: November 05, 2012, 02:47:41 PM »
Id keep the extra injectors and go with a duel fuel setup.

 Run e98/methanol/racegas on the large injectors and pump fuel for putting around town on the smaller injectors. Hell sell the 60's and throw some factory injectors in. Friend did his setup this way and it worked excellent. As soon as it came into boost it switched maps and ran race fuel and huge injectors. This allowed him to save alot of cash on race fuel, and cruise all over town on pump fuel with a low 8 second car. Also it would eliminate alot of the problems with alcohol fuels by switching over to standard fuel between runs/cruises.

I've got a 6" cowl you may need!


Offline jax04

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #58 on: November 11, 2012, 10:06:39 PM »
That was an idea someone else was trying to talk me into once a upon a time.  never know, might try it sometime, i love tinkering with crap.

Anywho, i have not done anything to the car other then cut the floor out rear of the driver seat.  I took it all the way back though since im using my fuel cell instead of the stock tank.

anywho, ordered my shock brackets tonight, picking up the upper control arms tomorrow, steel is here, welder is buttoned up, just need a fresh roll of wire, should get her knocked out this week barring any unforeseen adventures, last week i spent almost everyday in chicago and didnt feel like touching it when i got back.

any who, ill leave you with this... 

Project Deadpool--FC--347ci LS1-Powerglide--CRT88mm--TIME TO BREAK SOME SHIT!

Offline zbrown

Re: jax04's 1991FC-5.3-S475-PowerGlide-Dominator Street machine!
« Reply #59 on: November 11, 2012, 10:08:36 PM »
gotta love cutoff wheels!